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Matching Key People
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Match each of the following persons with the statement or theory that most closely reflects his or her perspective.

Albert Bandura


B. F. Skinner


Erik Erikson


Jean Piaget


John Bowlby


Lev Vygotsky


Robert Siegler


Sigmund Freud


Urie Bronfenbrenner

A)Cognitive development is a four-stage process that occurs as individuals organize experiences and adapt to environmental demands
B)Cognitive development occurs within a social and cultural framework in which individuals actively construct knowledge
C)Development is driven by the way in which individuals resolve conflicts occurring at each of five stages of psychosexual development.
D)Cognitive development involves continuous information processing about how an individual thinks
E)Development occurs within a complex environmental system that includes influences from various contexts
F)Development is the result of the environmental rewards and punishments that an individual receives in response to his or her behavior
G)Development is shaped by the outcome of eight psychosocial crises that occur throughout the life span
H)Development is shaped by an individual's early attachment to his or her caregivers
I)Development results from the interaction between an individual's behavior, environment, and cognition

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