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Leaders and the Leadership Process: Readings, Self-Assessments & Applications, 6/e

Jon L. Pierce, University of Minnesota - Duluth
John W. Newstrom, University of Minnesota - Duluth

ISBN: 0078137101
Copyright year: 2011

About the Authors

Jon L. Pierce
is a Morse-Alumni Distinguished Professor of Management and Organization in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics at the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD). He received his Ph.D. in management and organizational studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of more than 70 papers that have been published or presented at various professional conferences. His publications have appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Organizational Dynamics, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Review of General Psychology. His research interests focus on the psychology of work and organization in general, with a particular emphasis on psychological ownership and organization-based self-esteem. He was a visiting scholar in the Department of Psychology at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. He has served on the editorial review board for the Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, and Scandinavian Management Journal. He is the coauthor of seven books— Management, Managing, Management and Organizational Behavior: An Integrated Perspective, and along with John W. Newstrom, Alternative Work Schedules, Windows into Management, The Manager's Bookshelf: A Mosaic of Contemporary Views, and Leaders & the Leadership Process. Along with Randall B. Dunham he was the recipient of the Yoder-Heneman Personnel Research Award for their alternative work schedule research. In 2000 he was inducted into the Academy of Management Journal's Hall of Fame; in 2005 he received UMD's prestigious award for excellence in research. Dr. Pierce may be contacted at

John W. Newstrom
is a Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of Management in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics at the University of Minnesota Duluth. His work has appeared in publications such as Academy of Management Executive, Personnel Psychology, California Management Review, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Journal, Business Horizons, and the Journal of Management Development. He has served as an editorial reviewer for the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Executive, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Advanced Management Journal, and the Journal of Management Development. He is the author or coauthor of 40 books in various editions, including Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work (thirteenth edition), Supervision (ninth edition), Transfer of Training (with Mary Broad), Leading with Laughter (with Robert C. Ford), The Fun Minute Manager (with Bob Pike and Robert C. Ford), and The Big Book of Team Building Games (with Ed Scannell). He is a member of the University of Minnesota’s Academy of Distinguished Teachers and has served on the boards of directors for several nonprofit organizations. He has also actively served as a seminar leader for leadership development programs around the country and as a consultant to many others. One of his current interests lies in helping managers create and sustain a fun work environment for their employees. Dr. Newstrom can be contacted at

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