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Practice Test
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To prepare for tests, you should:
A)attend classes at least once a week.
B)attend all classes.
C)attend those classes that meet when your energy level is high.
D)skip classes and spend class time studying in the library.

When preparing for a test, you should:
A)commit yourself to one major review.
B)commit yourself to weekly reviews, then you won't need a big final review.
C)review daily and weekly and do a final review a week before the test.
D)review daily-additional reviews would be overwhelming.

Test-taking strategies include all of the following except:
A)use your study team.
B)pace yourself.
C)arrive early.
D)organize yourself.

After the test, you should:
A)reward yourself.
B)begin previewing upcoming material.
C)offer to take the instructor to dinner.
D)send the instructor flowers.

When analyzing and assessing your test score, you should:
A)look at your grade as subjectively as possible.
B)organize a defense for your answers before seeing the instructor.
C)view the results as feedback in a detached and receptive manner.
D)consider how this test evaluates you as a person.

When taking a true/false test, you should:
A)eliminate choices.
B)watch for combinations.
C)count the number of blanks.
D)always answer every question (unless there's a penalty for wrong answers).

When taking a multiple-choice test, you should:
A)eliminate choices.
B)watch for qualifiers.
C)count the number of blanks.
D)watch for the length of the blank.

When taking an open-book test, you should:
A)copy your answers from the book, to be sure they are correct.
B)not worry about studying.
C)put markers in your book to indicate important areas.
D)share notes with classmates.

Last-minute study tips include all of the following except:
A)focus on key words.
B)cram with a partner or tutor.
C)review your note cards.
D)intend to be positive.

The number one barrier to doing well on tests is:
A)improper nutrition.
B)poor study habits.
C)poor sleep habits.
D)test anxiety.

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