Responsible Driving

Chapter 17: Psychological and Social Readiness

Psychological and Social Readiness

Read each statement below. If it is true, place a T in the space to the left of the statement. If the statement is false, place an F next to it.

_____1. The main reason that you should not play loud music in the car is that it is rude to other passengers. (F) (pg. 357)

_____2. Every year driver inattention plays a part in causing over 1 million vehicle crashes. (T) (pg. 354)

_____3. In most states it is illegal to wear stereo headphones while you drive. (T) (pg. 357)

_____4. Being stuck in a traffic jam and eating food while driving can be distracting. (T) (pg. 357)

_____5. Anger is not a major emotional impairment while driving. (F) (pg. 361)

_____6. Using a cellular phone while driving is unsafe. (T) (pg. 355)

_____7. Driving when you are frustrated, sad or depressed can pose problems. (T) (pg. 362)

_____8. The primary problem with using a cell phone while driving is the distraction caused by dialing the phone and viewing the display. (F) (pg. 356)

_____9. Anger is the only emotion that can really interfere with your ability to drive safely. (F) (pg. 359)

_____10. If you are upset, one good remedy is to go on a long drive. (F) (pg. 364)

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