Introduction to Technology

Chapter 1: Why Study Technology?

Chapter Summaries

Section 1.1
Technology is the practical use of human knowledge to extend human abilities and to satisfy human needs and wants. It involves turning natural items into useful products. We study technology because it is fun, rewarding, and exciting. If you are technologically literate, you are comfortable with technology. You can evaluate each situation and make informed decisions.

Section 1.2
The areas of science, technology, and engineering are related but different. Scientists try to explain how things happen. Engineers figure out how to make things. Technologists make things by operating machines and assembling parts. All of these people work together to create and produce the products we need. Teenagers can also contribute to the development of technology.

Section 1.3
We build on the efforts of people who came before us. Technology advances by adapting, so each new product is an improvement over an existing one. New inventions are almost always based on earlier accomplishments. One reason technology has thrived in the United States is because people feel free to try different ways of doing things.

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