The American Vision © 2012 Georgia Edition

Chapter 14: Becoming a World Power, 1872-1917

Becoming a World Power

What convinced Japanese leaders to open their ports to American trade?
A)A customs union between Japan and the United States reduced tariffs.
B)The Japanese feared European imperialism and hoped to gain the United States as an ally.
C)American settlers initiated a coup against the Japanese monarchy.
D)The Japanese were impressed with a display of American technology and weapons.
All of the following supported United States annexation of Hawaii EXCEPT __________.
A)Hawaii serving as a supply stop for trade ships traveling between China and the United States
B)American settlers establishing thriving sugarcane plantations in Hawaii
C)the Hawaiian monarchy taking steps to reduce American influence in the Hawaiian government
D)President Cleveland advocating that imperialism would protect American interests overseas
Why did the United States seek trade cooperation with Latin America?
A)to increase Latin American exports to the United States
B)to gain Latin America as an ally in the event of war against Europe
C)to increase Latin American demand for American products
D)to spread American culture to the people of Latin America
Which had the GREATEST influence on the decision of most Americans to support Cuban rebels during the late 1800s?
A)American investments in Cuban mines, railroads, and plantations
B)yellow journalists’ sensational stories of Spanish atrocities
C)comparisons of the Cubans’ struggle to the American Revolution
D)the desire for the United States to become an imperial power
What event sent the American public calling for war against Spain?
A)The American battleship Maine exploded off the coast of Cuba.
B)The Spanish ambassador to the United States insulted President McKinley.
C)The Spanish imposed new tariffs on Cuban sugar.
D)Filipino rebels called for American aid in their fight against the repressive Spanish government.
Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris, all of the following became United States territories EXCEPT __________.
B)Puerto Rico
D)the Philippines
All of the following challenged the decision to annex the Philippines EXCEPT __________.
A)anti-imperialists who argued that the decision to annex was economically unsound
B)some Americans who thought that the location of the Philippines offered no military benefits to support annexation
C)some Americans who thought that annexation violated American principles of freedom
D)labor leaders who argued that annexation would drive down American wages
What was the purpose of the Open Door policy?
A)It provided the United States with a leasehold in China.
B)It kept the borders of China open to immigrants.
C)It preserved equal trading opportunities in China for all foreign nations.
D)It allowed Christian missionaries to continue working in China.
Theodore Roosevelt believed that the key to maintaining peace with foreign nations was __________.
A)military strength
B)economic strength
C)political strength
President Taft's approach to foreign policy, known as __________ diplomacy, encouraged Latin American development.
A)big stick
C)sphere of influence
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