The World and Its People: Eastern Hemisphere

Chapter 7: The New Eastern Europe

Student Web Activity

"Chernobyl's Nuclear Disaster"

In this chapter, you have read about the countries of eastern Europe. Until the late 1980s or early 1990s, the former Soviet Union controlled these countries. As part of their emphasis on production and heavy industry, the Soviets neglected certain safety precautions. They also neglected environmental concerns. Some of the most polluted places in the world are located in the countries that formerly made up the Soviet Union. The country of Ukraine, site of the Chernobyl accident, was one of the republics that made up the Soviet Union.

Destination Title: Chernobyl Plus 15

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Start at the Chernobyl Plus 15 Web Site.

  • Read through the questions and answers.
  • Use what you learn to answer the following questions.

How were the environment and wildlife affected by the accident?
Which three countries were most affected by the accident?
What health problems have resulted from the accident?
What is the "sarcophagus"?
Write a headline news story that might have appeared on the day after the accident occurred.
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