The World and Its People: Eastern Hemisphere

Chapter 15: Southern Africa—A Varied Region

Student Web Activity


In this chapter, you learned about the history, geography, and culture of South Africa and its neighbors. Zimbabwe is one of the four landlocked countries of inland southern Africa. Though Zimbabwe is not an economically rich country, it is rich in natural attractions and resources. In this activity, you will take a closer look at some of the natural wonders of Zimbabwe.

Destination Title: Africa

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Start at Geographia's site about Africa.

  • Sroll down and click on the Zimbabwe heading.
  • Scroll down and read the information presented, and then at the bottom of the screen click on and read about Exploring Zimbabwe.
  • After browsing the information on Zimbabwe, answer the following questions.

Describe Zimbabwe's location in Africa.
What was Great Zimbabwe?
How and when was Lake Kariba formed?
What is the best time of year to visit Victoria Falls? Why?
Research to find out more about one of Zimbabwe's famous attractions, such as Victoria Falls, the Great Zimbabwe ruins, or one of its national parks. Using pictures, drawings, and facts from your research, create a poster that will encourage tourists to visit this site.
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