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Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families Cover Image
Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families, 5/e
Mary K. DeGenova
Philip F. Rice

Gender: Identity and Roles


androgyny  A blending of male and female characteristics and roles; especially, a lack of gender-typing with respect to roles.
cognitive developmental theory  A theory suggesting that gender roles and identities cannot be learned until children reach a certain stage of intellectual development.
evolutionary theories of gender  Theories suggesting that genetic heritage is more important than social learning in the development of gender roles.
femininity  Personality and behavioral characteristics of a female according to culturally defined standards of femaleness.
gender  The psychosocial components that characterize one as masculine or feminine.
gender identity  A person's personal, internal sense of maleness or femaleness, which is expressed in personality and behavior.
gender role  The outward manifestation and expression of maleness or femaleness in a social setting.
gender-role congruence  Agreement between a partners' gender-role expectations and their performance.
gender schema theory  A theory suggesting that people have very definite ideas about how males and females should look and behave, based on the framework of logic and ideas used to organize information and make sense of it.
gender stereotypes  Assumed differences, norms, attitudes, and expectations about men and women.
masculinity  Personality and behavioral characteristics of a male according to culturally defined standards of maleness.
parental identification and modeling  The process by which the child adopts and internalizes parental values.
social learning theory  A theory emphasizing that boys develop "maleness" and girls develop "femaleness" through exposure to scores of influence-including parents, peers, television, and schools-that teach them what it means to be a man or a woman in their culture.
social structure/cultural theories of gender  Theories suggesting that most of the differences between male and female gender roles are established because on the status, power, and division or labor in a given society.
transsexual  A person who has the genitals of one sex but the gender identity of the other.