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Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, 4/e
Brian Strong, University of California, Santa Cruz
Barbara Werner Sayad, California State University, Monterey Bay
Christine DeVault, Cabrillo College
William Yarber, Indiana University

Studying Human Sexuality

Chapter 2 Glossary

acculturation  The process of adaptation by an ethnic group to the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the dominant culture.
anal stage  In Freudian theory, the period from age 1 to 3, during which the child's erotic activities center on the anus.
attitude  The predisposition to act, think, or feel in certain ways toward particular things.
behavior  The way a person acts.
bias  A personal leaning or inclination.
biased sample  A nonrepresentative sample.
castration anxiety  In Freudian theory, the belief that the father will cut off the child's penis because of rivalry for the mother/wife.
clinical research  The in-depth examination of an individual or group by a clinician who assists with psychological or medical problems.
come out  Publicly acknowledge of one's gay, lesbian, or bisexual orientation.
control group  A group that is not being treated in an experiment.
correlational study  The measurement of two or more naturally occurring variables to determine their relationship to each other.
cultural equivalency perspective  The view that attitudes, behaviors, and values of diverse ethnic groups are basically similar, with differences resulting from adaptation to historical and social forces, such as slavery, discrimination, or poverty.
cultural relativity  The perspective that any custom must be evaluated in terms of how it fits within the culture as a whole.
debrief  Reveal to a research participant any deception that was used during a study and the reason for its necessity.
deception  Actions aimed at betraying, misleading, or deluding another person, including lies, omissions, fabrications, and secrets.
dependent variable  In an experiment, a factor that is likely to be affected by changes in the independent variable.
egocentric fallacy  An erroneous belief that one's own personal experience and values are held by others in general.
electra complex  In Freudian theory, the female child's erotic desire for the father and simultaneous fear of the mother.
ethnic group  A group of people distinct from other groups because of cultural characteristics transmitted from one generation to the next.
ethnocentric fallacy or ethnocentrism  The belief that one's own ethnic group, nation, or culture is innately superior to others ethnicity Ethnic affiliation or identity.
experimental research  The systematic manipulation of an individual or the environment to learn the effect of such manipulation on behavior.
fallacy  An error in reasoning that affects our understanding of a subject.
genital stage  In Freudian theory, the period in which adolescents become interested in genital sexual activities, especially sexual intercourse.
independent variable  In an experiment, a factor that can be manipulated or changed.
induction  A type of reasoning in which arguments are formed from a premise to provide support for its conclusion.
informed consent  Assent given by a mentally competent individual at least 18 years old with full knowledge of the purpose and potential risks and benefits of participation.
latency stage  In Freudian theory, the period from age 6 to puberty in which sexual impulses are no longer active.
machismo  In Latino culture, highly prized masculine traits.
neurosis  A psychological disorder characterized by anxiety or tension.
objectivity  The observation of things as they exist in reality as opposed to our feelings or beliefs about them.
observational research  A method of gathering information in which a researcher systematically and unobtrusively observes behavior.
Oedipal complex  In Freudian theory, the male child's erotic desire for his mother and simultaneous fear of his father.
opinion  An unsubstantiated belief or conclusion about what seems to be true according to an individual's personal thoughts.
oral stage  In Freudian theory, the period lasting from birth to age 1 in which infant eroticism is focused on the mouth.
participant observation  A method of observational research in which the researcher participates in the behaviors being studied.
pathological behavior  Behavior deemed unhealthy or diseased by current medical standards.
penis envy  In Freudian theory, female desire to have a penis.
phallic stage  In Freudian theory, the period from age 3 through 5, during which both male and female children exhibit interest in the genitals.
plethysmograph  A device attached to the genitals to measure physiological response.
protection from harm  A research participant's right to be spared any emotional distress.
psychoanalysis  A psychological system developed by Sigmund Freud that traces behavior to unconscious motivations.
random sample  A portion of a larger group collected in an unbiased way.
representative sample  A small group representing a larger group in terms of age, sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, orientation, and so on.
repression  A psychological mechanism that keeps people from becoming aware of hidden memories and motives because they arouse guilt or pain.
schema  A set of interrelated ideas that helps us process information by organizing it in useful ways.
scientific method  A systematic approach to acquiring knowledge by collecting data, forming a hypothesis, testing it empirically, and observing the results.
sex information/advice genre  A media genre that transmits information and norms about sexuality to a mass audience.
social construction  The development of social categories, such as masculinity, femininity, heterosexuality, and homosexuality, by society.
socioeconomic status  Ranking in society based on a combination of occupational, educational, and income levels.
stereotype  A set of simplistic, rigidly held, overgeneralized beliefs about a person or group of people.
strain gauge  A device resembling a rubber band that is placed over the penis to measure physiological response.
survey research  A method of gathering information from a small group to make inferences about a larger group.
value judgment  An evaluation as "good" or "bad" based on moral or ethical standards rather than objective ones.
variable  An aspect or factor that can be manipulated in an experiment.