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Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, 4/e
Brian Strong, University of California, Santa Cruz
Barbara Werner Sayad, California State University, Monterey Bay
Christine DeVault, Cabrillo College
William Yarber, Indiana University

Studying Human Sexuality

Multiple Choice Quiz

Choose the best answer


The purpose(s) of media is/are to:
A)sell more of itself.
C)provide how-to information and/or moralize.
D)all of the above

The primary difference between the media and social scientists' research is that the media:
A)may describe research in an over-simplified and distorted manner.
B)often qualify their findings as tentative or limited to a certain group.
C)must use critical information about studies in order to be accurate.
D)will usually quote only the most credible and reliable researchers.

Basic to any scientific study is a fundamental commitment to:
C)ensuring that the hypothesis is correct.
D)applying the research to human behavior.

A professor is conducting some research and hands out a questionnaire about sexual preferences and experiences to 100 of his students. He states that completing the questionnaire is a course requirement and counts toward the final grade. This professor may be violating the principle of:
A)informed consent.
B)protection from harm.
D)right to withdraw.

According to the authors, of all the ethical issues surrounding research, the most problematic one is:
A)compatibility with funding sources.
B)finding sufficient subjects.
C)the use of deception.
D)the interpretation of results.

Value judgments:
A)imply how a person ought to behave.
B)can be empirically validated.
C)provide an objective description of the world as it exists.
D)all of the above may be true

Which one of the following pairings is inaccurate?
A)Krafft-Ebing and the case study
B)Havelock Ellis and experimentation
C)Alfred Kinsey and the survey
D)Masters and Johnson and laboratory observation

In the survey method for collecting sexual information:
A)people tend to be poor reporters of their own sexual behavior.
B)the interviewers may be biased and subjective.
C)the respondents may hesitate to reveal information.
D)all of the above may occur

A major criticism of the research of Sigmund Freud includes his:
A)puritan ethics and religion.
B)lack of ethics.
C)inadequate descriptions of female development and lack of empiricism.
D)ignoring childhood sexuality.

The National Health and Social Life Survey of 1994 did all the following EXCEPT:
A)showed that most Americans are fairly traditional in the bedroom.
B)was controversial and had to be finished with non-governmental funds.
C)was the first large-scale, carefully comprehensive survey since Kinsey.
D)showed that most women had orgasms regularly.

Masters and Johnson addressed and treated sexual problems by:
A)using behavioral therapy.
B)suggesting shock therapy.
C)diagnosing and treating the underlying physiological problem.
D)classifying, describing, and treating the five stages of psychosexual development.

Feminist research has focused on and expanded the scope of information we have about:
B)victimization and child abuse.
C)sex and power.
D)all of the above

According to the American Psychological Association, homosexuality:
A)is considered a psychological disorder.
B)is no longer considered a psychological disorder.
C)is considered an acceptable preference only if a person does not act on it.
D)the APA has no stand on homosexuality because the research is inconclusive.

Values and behavior are shaped by:
A)culture and social class.
B)our genetic pool.
C)discipline and control alone.
D)factors that we don't yet understand.

In understanding the differences in sexual behavior among the various Latino groups, the key factor seems
A)to be a religious tradition.
B)socioeconomic status.
C)degree of acculturation.
D)geographic concentration within the United States.