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Responding to Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays, 4/e
Judith Stanford, Rivier College

Evaluating in Context

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Consider the importance of place in "Araby." How might the title Dubliners reflect this importance? Take "North Richmond Street" and the "Christian Brothers' School," mentioned in the first paragraph of the short story. They are real places in Ireland. Can you find any reference to them on the internet, using your favorite search engine? Here's a bibliography concerning Joyce's relationship to his contemporary Ireland that might spur some thoughts on this topic.

Read this review of Radiohead's album Kid A, in which the author connects the album to Joyce's Finnegans Wake. Even if you don't know or like Radiohead, what do you make of the comparison of a rock band to James Joyce? Even if you don't know or like Finnegans Wake, can you make any links from that work to "Araby" just from reading this review and studying the short story?

Click here and read a poem or two by Joyce. Do you notice anything in common with "Araby"? How are the poems and the short story different? Do the notes following the poems provide any insight?