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Contexts for Criticism, 4/e
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Intertextual Criticism: Literature as Context

Multiple Choice Quiz


Which of the following theses is an example of intertextual criticism?
A)Shakespeare's Henry IV plays were based upon historical events related in Holinshed's Chronicles
B)Shakespeare's sonnets do not allude to Petrarch's, because there is no evidence that Shakespeare read Petrarch either in the original or in translation
C)the name "Caliban" is an allusion to the title of Montaigne's esay, "Of Cannibalism"
D)the characters of Iago and Edmund prove that Shakespeare held Machiavellian beliefs to be pernicious

Which of the following labels does not refer to a type of intertextual criticism?
A)genre criticism
B)archetypal criticism
C)autotelic criticism
D)dialogic criticism

Bakhtin defined "carnivalesque" literature as:
A)medieval poetry, with its eclectic choice of subject matter
B)literature which espouses anti-authoritarian views
C)literature which can engage in a "dialogue" with readers from various social backgrounds
D)literature which mixes various languages and styles so as to undermine the one voice of a privileged language

Which would be considered an example of intratextual criticism?
A)formalist criticism
B)mimetic criticism
C)historicist criticism
D)Bakhtinian criticism