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Quizzes Without Consequences
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MULTIPLE CHOICE More than one answer may be correct for each multiple choice question. Your instructor may choose only one-answer multiple choice questions for the actual exams, but the multiple answer format provides excellent preparation for the tests with consequences. This format eliminates much of the guesswork and requires precise knowledge. There's no process of elimination in which answers can be ignored (i.e., if the correct answer is a, answers b, c, and d don't need to be read at all). You receive credit for every correct answer and you get dinged for every incorrect answer.


TRUE/FALSE This portion of the Quizzes Without Consequences follows a standard format. Your only choices are True or False. Nevertheless, for each answer, especially the false ones, formulate in your mind an explanation for each answer chosen.


PLEASE NOTE: Consult the appropriate chapter in the text for explanations of the answers to these quiz questions.


Supporting materials for speeches accomplish which of the following important purposes?
A)They provide evidence to strengthen points made
B)They gain interest
C)They make points more abstract
D)They make points more complex

Which of the following make the use of examples effective supporting materials for speeches?
A)Examples should be vivid
B)Examples should be relevant to a specific point made in the speech
C)Examples should be representative of the claim made
D)Examples should be hypothetical

To use statistics effectively in a speech
A)make statistics concrete
B)never use a stack of statistics to make a point
C)never use a statistic if you have an example that proves the same claim
D)use accurate statistics accurately

An effective speaking style should include which of the following?
A)Clarity of language
B)Precise use of words
C)Lengthy sentences
D)Complex sentence structure to impress an audience

"Preparation, practice, perspective, and performance avoidance are the four P's for coping with speech anxiety" is an example of

An appropriate speaking rate for a public speech is approximately
A)75-100 words per minute
B)175-200 words per minute
C)250-275 words per minute
D)300-325 word per minute

Extemporaneous speaking is
A)speaking without notes
B)speaking from a written script
C)speaking from memory
D)speaking from a prepared outline

Which of the following are common disadvantages of manuscript speaking?
A)Language is often imprecise
B)Adapting to your audience's flagging attention is difficult
C)It usually sounds read instead of natural
D)It is difficult not to lose your place if you try to maintain eye contact on your audience

"I tried my roommate's Mac computer and found it to be bug plagued. I don't think Macs are very good computers." This is
B)a real example
C)a hasty generalization
D)a hypothetical example

Which of the following can be validly claimed when comparing oral and written styles of communicating?
A)They have no differences; a speech and an essay read to an audience are the same
B)Oral style typically uses simpler sentences than written style
C)Oral style is less formal than written style
D)Oral style can be adjusted immediately because feedback from listeners is usually immediate; written style cannot be so readily adjusted

"According to the Internet. . ." is a complete, concise, and adequate citation of a source.

You should plan all of your gestures for your speech for dramatic effect.

A metaphor is an explicit comparison of two seemingly dissimilar things using the words "like" or "as."

All vivid examples should be representative of the claim illustrated.

We tend to be more conversational when we speak than when we write.

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