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Quizzes Without Consequences
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MULTIPLE CHOICE More than one answer may be correct for each multiple choice question. Your instructor may choose only one-answer multiple choice questions for the actual exams, but the multiple answer format provides excellent preparation for the tests with consequences. This format eliminates much of the guesswork and requires precise knowledge. There's no process of elimination in which answers can be ignored (i.e., if the correct answer is a, answers b, c, and d don't need to be read at all). You receive credit for every correct answer and you get dinged for every incorrect answer.


TRUE/FALSE This portion of the Quizzes Without Consequences follows a standard format. Your only choices are True or False. Nevertheless, for each answer, especially the false ones, formulate in your mind an explanation for each answer chosen.


PLEASE NOTE: Consult the appropriate chapter in the text for explanations of the answers to these quiz questions.


A)is sharing any information about yourself with another person
B)is exhibited more by males than by females in U.S. culture
C)is always constructive in a relationship because you get to know the other person better
D)is purposely revealing information about yourself to others that they otherwise would not know

Perception is
A)inherently subjective; there is no "immaculate perception"
B)a process of "making sense" of our neural impulses sent to our brain
C)an active, not a passive process
D)a process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting data from our senses

A)can sometimes be excessive
B)is strongly influenced by feedback from significant people in our lives
C)is the evaluative element of self-perception
D)is your self-concept

According to Tannen, in mixed-sex conversations, which of the following patterns of communication usually occur?
A)women talk more than men
B)men interrupt much more than women
C)men display their knowledge more than women
D)men fight for the floor to be heard in a conversation more than women do

An effective perception check includes
A)your description of another person's behavior
B)your interpretation of the behavior of another person
C)a request for verification of your interpretation of another person's behavior
D)your determination of whether another person's behavior is good or bad

Which of the following are constructive goals for self-disclosure?
A)developing a relationship with another person
B)eliciting reassurance
C)trying to learn secrets about a person by revealing some secrets of your own
D)relieving our guilt so we feel better

Which of the following are types of schemas?
D)Selective attention

You do poorly on an oral report in your history class. You attribute your poor performance to "the teacher's vague explanation of the assignment" even though you could have asked for clarification and you didn't put much effort into the assignment. This is an example of
A)primacy effect
B)negativity bias
C)self-serving bias

Guidelines for appropriate self-disclosure include
A)self-disclosing when we are reasonably confident the other person can be trusted with personal revelations
B)self-disclosing all at once, not in dribs and drabs
C)self-disclosing personal information to another person gradually and seeing whether it is reciprocated
D)self-disclosing in front of a public audience of strangers because it "feels good"

The recency effect means
A)our latest neural impulses are given greater significance by our brains than impulses that occurred in the past
B)we make a perception check soon after hearing another individual's self-disclosure
C)first impressions of a person are largely based on information that we first received
D)we tend to evaluate others on the basis of the most current information or evidence available

The fundamental attribution error occurs when causes of behavior are disproportionately attributed to dispositional (traits) attributes not environmental and situational forces.

Sex equals biological differences and gender equals behavioral differences between males and females.

When we are conditioned to see our environment in certain ways and this expectation leads to perceptual distortion or inaccuracy, we call this negativity bias.

Sensation is the process of our sense receptors changing physical energy into neural impulses, and perception is the processing of these neural impulses.

All stereotypes are negative; they put down groups.

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