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Posttest - Italics
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Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)Giovanni Boccaccio wrote the Decameron, a collection of one hundred tales told by ten Florentines who have left their city to escape the plague.
B)Giovanni Boccaccio wrote the "Decameron," a collection of one hundred tales told by ten Florentines who have left their city to escape the plague.
C)Giovanni Boccaccio wrote the Decameron, a collection of one hundred tales told by ten Florentines who have left their city to escape the plague.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)The saying "All hell broke loose" comes from Book IV of Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost.
B)The saying "All hell broke loose" comes from Book IV of Milton's epic poem, "Paradise Lost."
C)The saying "All hell broke loose" comes from Book IV of Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)His favourite movies are: Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, and The Empire Strikes Back.
B)His favourite movies are: Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, and The Empire Strikes Back.
C)His favourite movies are: "Star Wars," "Return of the Jedi," and "The Empire Strikes Back."
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)Even though it lasted only three seasons, the original "Star Trek" television series became a phenomenal success in syndication.
B)Even though it lasted only three seasons, the original Star Trek television series became a phenomenal success in syndication.
C)Even though it lasted only three seasons, the original Star Trek television series became a phenomenal success in syndication.
Choose the correct version of the item below.
A)The Chicago Tribune closely followed the exploits of Sammy Sosa, who hit sixty-six home runs in 1998.
B)The "Chicago Tribune" closely followed the exploits of Sammy Sosa, who hit sixty-six home runs in 1998.
C)The Chicago Tribune closely followed the exploits of Sammy Sosa, who hit sixty-six home runs in 1998.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)We always laugh at Gary Larson's Far Side cartoons.
B)We always laugh at Gary Larson's Far Side cartoons.
C)We always laugh at Gary Larson's "Far Side" cartoons.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)The most famous work of Italian literature is "The Divine Comedy," a three-volume poem by Dante Alighieri.
B)The most famous work of Italian literature is The Divine Comedy, a three-volume poem by Dante Alighieri.
C)The most famous work of Italian literature is The Divine Comedy, a three-volume poem by Dante Alighieri.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)The Bible is considered a sacred text by both Jews and Christians.
B)The "Bible" is considered a sacred text by both Jews and Christians.
C)The Bible is considered a sacred text by both Jews and Christians.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)Homer's Iliad, an epic poem in twenty-four books, is about the Greek attack on Troy.
B)Homer's "Iliad," an epic poem in twenty-four books, is about the Greek attack on Troy.
C)Homer's Iliad, an epic poem in twenty-four books, is about the Greek attack on Troy.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)The Metamorphoses by the Roman poet Ovid is a long poem that, among other things, explains creation.
B)The Metamorphoses by the Roman poet Ovid is a long poem that, among other things, explains creation.
C)The "Metamorphoses" by the Roman poet Ovid is a long poem that, among other things, explains creation.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)The English word domicile derives from the Latin domus.
B)The English word domicile derives from the Latin domus.
C)The English word domicile derives from the Latin domus.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)Philosophy is a word created from two Greek roots: phil, which means love, and soph, which means wisdom.
B)Philosophy is a word created from two Greek roots: phil, which means love, and soph, which means wisdom.
C)Philosophy is a word created from two Greek roots: phil, which means love, and soph, which means wisdom.
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)Stellar is derived from the Latin stella (star).
B)Stellar is derived from the Latin stella (star).
C)Stellar is derived from the Latin stella (star).
Click on the sentence that uses italics correctly.
A)Indeterminate and insensate share a prefix and a suffix.
B)Indeterminate and insensate share a prefix and a suffix.
C)Indeterminate and insensate share a prefix and a suffix.

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