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Unity Practice Exercise
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Which sentence in the following paragraph serves as the topic sentence?
A)(1) Many of the most common toys children play with today are descendants of those used by children centuries ago.
B)(2) For example, in 1200 B.C. Chinese youngsters played with yo-yos and marbles.
C)(3) Not long after, children living in the Mediterranean basin began enjoying themselves by spinning ovals around their waists, much in the same way that a contemporary child might use a hula hoop.
D)(4) Dolls, which are universal toys, probably originated in prehistoric times.
E)(5) Today's popular board games, with the exception of chess, checkers, and a few other such games, are products of 20th-century thinking.
Which of the sentences in the following paragraph does not relate to the topic sentence?
A)(1) Many of the most common toys children play with today are descendants of those used by children centuries ago.
B)(2) For example, in 1200 B.C. Chinese youngsters played with yo-yos and marbles.
C)(3) Not long after, children living in the Mediterranean basin began enjoying themselves by spinning ovals around their waists, much in the same way that a contemporary child might use a hula hoop.
D)(4) Dolls, which are universal toys, probably originated in prehistoric times.
E)(5) Today's popular board games, with the exception of chess, checkers, and a few other such games, are products of twentieth-century thinking.
Which sentence in the following paragraph serves as the topic sentence?
A)(1) Most people believe that science fiction is a relatively new artistic genre.
B)(2) They place its origins in the 1950s, when popular black-and-white movies created a science-fiction craze.
C)(3) Actually, science fiction had its origins in a much earlier time.
D)(4) One of the first examples of this genre was Thomas More's Utopia, published in 1516.
E)(5) More was executed by King Henry VIII for refusing to support the king's takeover of the church in England.
F)(6) Another early work of science fiction is de Bergerac's Voyage to the Moon, which appeared in 1657.
G)(7) Perhaps the most popular piece of science fiction remains Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which she wrote in 1817 and which has been made into several film versions.
Which of the sentences in the following paragraph does not relate to the topic sentence?
A)(1) Most people believe that science fiction is a relatively new artistic genre.
B)(2) They place its origins in the 1950s, when popular black-and-white movies created a science-fiction craze.
C)(3) Actually, science fiction had its origins in a much earlier time.
D)(4) One of the first examples of this genre was Thomas More's Utopia, published in 1516.
E)(5) More was executed by King Henry VIII for refusing to support the king's takeover of the church in England.
F)(6) Another early work of science fiction is de Bergerac's Voyage to the Moon, which appeared in 1657.
G)(7) Perhaps the most popular piece of science fiction remains Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which she wrote in 1817 and which has been made into several film versions.
Which sentence in the following paragraph serves as the topic sentence?
A)(1) The Colosseum in Rome is the largest of the hundreds of impressive theaters the ancient Romans constructed around their empire.
B)(2) Its exterior walls are over 160 feet tall, and it boasts 75 separate entrances.
C)(3) First opened in 80 A.D., the Colosseum is an amphitheater—two facing theaters that enclose an arena.
D)(4) Another ancient Roman amphitheater can be found in Verona, Italy; it is still in use today.
E)(5) At times, the arena within the Colosseum in Rome was flooded so that famous naval battles could be reenacted there.
F)(6) The staging of such spectacles required more than a thousand participants!
Which sentence in the following paragraph does not relate to the topic sentence?
A)(1) The Colosseum in Rome is the largest of the hundreds of impressive theaters the ancient Romans constructed around their empire.
B)(2) Its exterior walls are over 160 feet tall, and it boasts 75 separate entrances.
C)(3) First opened in 80 A.D., the Colosseum is an amphitheater—two facing theaters that enclose an arena.
D)(4) Another ancient Roman amphitheater can be found in Verona, Italy; it is still in use today.
E)(5) At times, the arena within Colosseum in Rome was flooded so that famous naval battles could be reenacted there.
F)(6) The staging of such spectacles required more than a thousand participants!
Which sentence in the following paragraph serves as the topic sentence?
A)(1) Sculptor Gutzon Borglum chose majestic Mount Rushmore, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, as the site of his greatest work.
B)(2) The size of the mountain face made this location ideal for the project.
C)(3) The mountain itself stands 5,600 feet high, and each president's face measures 60 feet in height.
D)(4) Of course, Borglum completed other important sculptures during his career.
E)(5) Finished in 1941, the Mount Rushmore memorial to Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and T. Roosevelt is still the world's largest sculpture.
Which of the sentences in the following paragraph does not relate to the topic sentence?
A)(1) Sculptor Gutzon Borglum chose majestic Mount Rushmore, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, as the site of his greatest work.
B)(2) The size of the mountain face made this location ideal for the project.
C)(3) The mountain itself stands 5,600 feet high, and each president's face measures 60 feet in height.
D)(4) Of course, Borglum completed other important sculptures during his career.
E)(5) Finished in 1941, the Mount Rushmore memorial to Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and T. Roosevelt is still the world's largest sculpture.
Which sentence in the following paragraph serves as the topic sentence?
A)(1) Now close neighbours and allies, Canada and the United States were on opposite sides of the War of 1812.
B)(2) The war was between Britain and the United States.
C)(3) Although the war is named for the year it began, it finally ended in 1814.
D)(4) In 1776, the American Declaration of Independence had marked the transformation of a British colony into a new nation.
E)(5) However, because what is now Canada was still British territory, it was also at war with the United States.
Which of the sentences in the following paragraph does not relate to the topic sentence?
A)(1) Now close neighbours and allies, Canada and the United States were on opposite sides of the War of 1812.
B)(2) The war was between Britain and the United States.
C)(3) Although the war is named for the year it began, it finally ended in 1814.
D)(4) In 1776, the American Declaration of Independence had marked the transformation of a British colony into a new nation.
E)(5) However, because what is now Canada was still British territory, it was also at war with the United States.
Which sentence in the following paragraph serves as the topic sentence?
A)(1) Western Brook Pond, located on the west coast of Newfoundland, is one of the most memorable spots on an island known for its rugged landscape.
B)(2) This pond, edged with steep cliffs carved by glaciers, is a sight worth seeing.
C)(3) Indeed, Newfoundland offers the vacationer a sequence of equally compelling images.
D)(4) The capital city, St. John's, offers restored Victorian houses and extensive hiking trails along the edge of North America.
E)(5) St. John's also has many interesting pubs and restaurants.
F)(6) Signal Hill, for example, provides a panoramic view of the city from one side and the North Atlantic from the other.
Which of the sentences in the following paragraph does not relate to the topic sentence?
A)(1) Western Brook Pond, located on the west coast of Newfoundland, is one of the most memorable spots on an island known for its rugged landscape.
B)(2) This pond, edged with steep cliffs carved by glaciers, is a sight worth seeing.
C)(3) Indeed, Newfoundland offers the vacationer a sequence of equally compelling images.
D)(4) The capitol city, St. John's, offers restored Victorian houses and extensive hiking trails along the edge of North America.
E)(5) St. John's also has many interesting pubs and restaurants
F)(6) Signal Hill, for example, provides a panoramic view of the city from one side and the North Atlantic from the other.
Which sentence in the following paragraph serves as the topic sentence?
A)(1) In 1543, Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish astronomer and mathematician, published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies.
B)(2) In this work, Copernicus argued that the sun was the center of our solar system.
C)(3) Copernicus's theory revolutionized astronomy and cosmology, the study of the structure of the universe.
D)(4) His arguments contradicted the age-old belief postulated by the Greek thinker Ptolemy, who, in the Almagest, had claimed that the sun, the stars, and the other planets revolved around the earth.
E)(5) There were several Egyptian rulers called Ptolemy, but Ptolemy the astronomer never ruled Egypt.
F)(6) Galileo, an Italian scientist, proved Copernicus right and Ptolemy wrong.
G)(7) Galileo developed the telescope, which helped him observe several phenomena that show that the planets revolve around the sun and that heavenly bodies don't move in perfect circles as was once thought.
Which of the sentences in the following paragraph does not relate to the topic sentence?
A)(1) In 1543, Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish astronomer and mathematician, published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies.
B)(2) In this work, Copernicus argued that the sun was the center of our solar system.
C)(3) Copernicus's theory revolutionized astronomy and cosmology, the study of the structure of the universe.
D)(4) His arguments contradicted the age-old belief postulated by the Greek thinker Ptolemy, who, in the Almagest, had claimed that the sun, the stars, and the other planets revolved around the earth.
E)(5) There were several Egyptian rulers called Ptolemy, but Ptolemy the astronomer never ruled Egypt.
F)(6) Galileo, an Italian scientist, proved Copernicus right and Ptolemy wrong.
G)(7) Galileo developed the telescope, which helped him observe several phenomena that show that the planets revolve around the sun and that heavenly bodies don't move in perfect circles as was once thought.

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