Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)

Chapter 11: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

Meiosis II

Is Meiosis II identical to Mitosis? The second cell division in Meiosis is known as Meiosis II. Meiosis II is very similar to Mitosis. In both cases chromosomes line up and sister chromatids are separated by the action of the spindle fibers. The daughter cells are genetically identical to one another. There are some minor differences between Mitosis and Meiosis II. Cells at the start of Mitosis II are haploid. Cells at the start of have the normal ploidy of the organism they are in. Normally we think of Mitosis as occurring in diploid cells but in many organisms it can occur in haploid cells as well.

View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.


The spindle apparatus is fully formed by the end of
A)metaphase II.
B)anaphase II.
C)prophase II.
D)prometaphase II.
E)telophase II.

Separation of ________ occurs in anaphase II of meiosis.
A)non-homologous chromosomes
B)homologous chromosomes
C)non-sister chromatids
D)sister chromatids
E)the two nuclei

At the end of meiosis II, there are
A)two haploid cells, with each chromosome containing two sister chromatids.
B)two haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid.
C)four haploid cells, with each chromosome containing two sister chromatids.
D)four haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid.
E)four diploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid.

Replication of chromosomes occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II.

In animal cells, cell division is accomplished by the formation of a cleavage furrow.
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