Around 5000 BCE, things slowly began to change. For the first time, humans started to settle down in one place. They began growing their own food and building permanent homes. The first cities were formed. People began using metals, such as copper and bronze, instead of stones to make tools. Then, around 3000 BCE, they created a system of letters and began to write. This new form of living was called civilization.
If the Nile River made it possible for Egyptian to live well, it also made it possible for the rulers of Egypt to live really well. These rulers built large palaces to show off their wealth. In time the rulers became known as pharaohs. The word pharaoh means “big house.”
The Egyptians developed their own system of writing called hieroglyphics. This system was based on a series of pictures showing common objects such as a human eye. Later, a group of people known as the Phoenicians used pictures or symbols to represent sounds. This was the first alphabet.
Back to TopThe Greeks made many major contributions to the development of Western civilization. For example, Greek architecture is still copied today. Modern theater is based on the principles established by the Greeks. They also made key discoveries in mathematics, science, and medicine. Euclid discovered the basic rules of geometry. Archimedes found out how to measure the circumference of a circle as well as the law governing floating objects in water. Hippocrates attacked the use of magic in medicine and wrote a code of ethics for doctors.
The “golden age” of Greek civilization didn’t last forever. One reason was that the Greeks constantly fought each other. Sparta and Athens, for instance, waged war against each other for many years. This Peloponnesian War weakened the city-states and made them vulnerable to invasion. In 338 BCE Philip of Macedonia conquered Greece. His son Alexander the Great went on to conquer most of the lands between Greece in the west, Egypt in the south, and India in the east.
Back to TopIn 509 BCE the Romans drove the Etruscans and their king out of the city. The Romans did not like a monarchy so they established a new type of government called a republic. In the Roman republic, the voters elected representatives to run the government. These elected officials served in the Roman Senate. But Rome was not a true democracy. Only the most wealthy and powerful citizens were allowed to serve in the Senate.
All was not so peaceful back in Rome, however. Powerful army generals could control elections. One such leader was Julius Caesar, who defeated his rivals and made himself the sole ruler of Rome. On March 15 (the Ides of March) in 44 BCE, a group of rivals assassinated Caesar. This led to a long line of emperors. The old republic was dead.
Back to TopLittle is known about what happened to these people. What is known is that around 1500 BCE another group of people called Aryans invaded the region from the north. The Aryans recorded their history and beliefs in four sacred books called the Vedas. These texts became the foundation for Hinduism, their religion. Over time, the Aryans divided all people into different classes based on birth. Under this caste system the priests, or Brahmans, ranked the highest and the “untouchables” ranked the lowest.
The other great early Asian civilization developed in about 1500 BCE along the banks of the Hwang Ho River in northern China. As in other early civilizations, power shifted from one group to another. Whichever Chinese group was in power at the time was said to be a dynasty. Each dynasty ruled until overthrown by another group, which in turn would set up its own dynasty. China also developed its own religion based on the ethical teachings of Confucius, who was born in about 551 BCE.
The Chinese constantly worried about invasions by what they called “barbarians” from the interior of Asia. So in the third century BCE, they built the Great Wall of China to protect themselves. The Great Wall stretched some 1,500 miles across the north of China and remains the only human-made object on Earth that can be seen from space.However, the Great Wall did not stop invasion by the barbarians. A group called the Mongols united under Genghis Khan. Khan and his successors spread Mongol rule over most of Asia. Not known for their cultural or scientific contributions, this nomadic people made a series of military conquests that were thorough and marked by brutality and destruction. Kublai Khan, Genghis Khan’s grandson, established the Yuan dynasty in China in 1260. This dynasty lasted until 1368 when the Mongols were overthrown and a new dynasty—the Mings—was established.
Back to TopChristianity developed during the time of the Roman Empire. Jesus, a Jew, lived about 2,000 years ago in the region called Palestine, which was then under Roman control. Jesus preached against violence and hatred and in favor of brotherhood and love. After his death in 33 CE, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Not everyone accepted Mohammad as Allah’s great prophet, and fighting broke out between his supporters and his opponents. In 622 CE, Mohammad and a few followers fled Mecca for the city of Medina. Within 10 years, however, Mohammad’s forces had captured just about all of the Arabian Peninsula. Mohammad established peace and outlined a set of duties for his followers. One duty was to pray five times a day while facing in the direction of the holy city of Mecca. Another duty was to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during a person’s life.
Islam soon spread far beyond the Arabian Peninsula. By around 750 CE, Muslims, as the followers of Islam were called, had converted others throughout the Middle East, across northern Africa, as far east as the Indus River Valley and as far north as Spain and eastern Turkey.Judaism, unlike other religions during the time of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, taught that there was one God, rather than many different gods. It is a monotheistic religion. Judaism was practiced by groups of people who lived in the land of Israel. Followers of Judaism accept the Torah as the most sacred writing. Today approximately 1% of the world’s population follows the teachings of Judaism.
Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, or son of God. It is commonly believed that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. After Christ’s birth in the Palestinian town of Bethlehem, Christian beliefs and ideas were spread by a small group of disciples. As Rome was the center of western civilization at the time, it eventually became the center of the Church. The leader of this church was given the title of pope. Through regional leaders, known as bishops, Christianity was expanded throughout Europe and eventually the rest of the world. Followers of Christianity accept the Bible as the most sacred writing. Today 33% of the world’s population follows the teachings of Christianity.Islam is the religion founded by the prophet Mohammed in 612 CE and is based on the teachings of Allah. Muslims submit to Allah through the five basic “pillars”: acceptance of no god but God; the five daily ritual prayers; the giving of alms; Sawm, the dawn-to-sunset fast during the month of Ramadan; and hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. Followers of Islam accept the Koran as the most sacred writing. Today Islam accounts for approximately 20% of the world’s population.
Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest surviving religions. It is unique because there is no founder. Instead, it developed over several thousand years. It is based on the belief that all people are born into a particular caste, or class, and must do what is expected within that caste. India has the largest Hindu population in the world today. Followers of Hinduism accept the Veda as the most sacred writing. Today 13% of the world’s population follows the Hindu religion.Buddhism began during the sixth century BCE in India. The basic teachings of Buddhism include the “four noble truths”: existence is suffering; suffering has a cause; there is a cessation of suffering that is called nirvana; and there is an eight-fold path to the end of suffering (right views, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration). Buddhism teaches that one’s soul will attain Nirvana, a divine state free of earthly ills, through self-denial and correct living. Today 6% of the world’s population follows the teachings of Buddha.