OverviewLearnSmart is an unparalleled, intelligent learning system based on cognitive
mapping that diagnoses your students' knowledge of a particular subject then
creates an individualized learning path geared towards student success in your
course. It offers individualized assessment by delivering appropriate learning
material in the form of questions at the right time helping students attain
mastery of the content.
Assigned by you, or used by students as a study tool, the results are recorded
in the Reports are as LearnSmart Results. This allows you to measure student
progress at all times and coach your students to success. As an added benefit,
all content covered in LearnSmart is tied to learning objectives for your course
and competencies set forth by accrediting bodies so you can use the results
as evidence of subject mastery. LearnSmart also offers a personal study plan
that allows the student to estimate the time it will take and number of questions
required in order to learn the subject matter. FeaturesAs a student works within the system, LearnSmart develops a personal learning
path adapted to what the student has learned and retained. LearnSmart is also
able to recommend additional study resources to help the student master topics.
In addition to being an innovative, outstanding study tool, LearnSmart has
features for instructors. There is a Course Gauge where the instructor can
see exactly what students have accomplished as well as a built-in assessment
tool for graded assignments. Students and instructors will be able to access
LearnSmart anywhere via a web browser. And for students on the go, it will
also be available through any iPhone or iTouch. - Diagnose: Student practice captures and reveals learning progress.
- Remediate: Personal learning paths automatically generate appropriate content
based upon student knowledge level.
- Flexibility: Students access LearnSmart anytime and from anywhere using
browsers or mobile devices such as the iPhone or iTouch.
- Success: LearnSmart improves student performance and retention.
Assign LearnSmart Study ModulesClicking LearnSmart Study Module in the library menu will
open LearnSmart for you to try as a student or assign as part of your section
Refer to the help provided within the LearnSmart interface for additional information
on how to use LearnSmart and assign modules. |