Environmental Science, 11th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 25: What Then Shall We Do?

Practice Quiz

Ways to reduce your impact include
A)green washing.
B)avoiding disposable items.
C)conspicuous consumption.
D)all of the above.
An international survey identified ___________ as the most influential environmental book.
A)(ital)A Sand County Almanac(/ital), by Aldo Leopold,
B)(ital)The Population Bomb(/ital), by Paul Ehrich,
C)(ital)Walden(/ital), by Henry David Thoreau,
D)(ital)Men and Nature(/ital), by George Perkins Marsh,
An environmentally educated person
A)understands that environmental issues are underlain by scientific facts and concepts.
B)gets involved in the improvement and restoration of environmental quality.
C)understands that human society is influencing not only the environment but the tools to be used to address these issues.
D)does all of the above.
Choices for reducing personal environmental impact include
A)using an item as long as possible.
B)minimizing car use by car pooling, biking, or using public transportation when possible.
C)minimize purchase of disposable items.
D)all of the above.
Examples of "green consumerism" include purchase of
A)recycled paper products.
B)energy efficient appliances.
C)cars that get high gas mileage.
D)all of the above.
Arguments in favor of a confrontational stance to accomplish environmental goals include all of the following EXCEPT
A)civil disobedience has a long history of success.
B)when no other ways of producing change are available, confrontation is the last resort.
C)some situations make it morally necessary.
D)might makes right.
Life-cycle analyses
A)have led to an increase in the amount of material going into land-fills.
B)provide for unlimited access to resources.
C)evaluate material and energy inputs and outputs at each stage of manufacture, use, and disposal of a product.
D)more than one of the above.
Radical environmental groups include
A)Earth First!
B)Sea Shepherd.
C)acts of civil disobedience in their repertoire.
D)all of the above are correct.
Tenets of sustainable development include
A)stabilization of world population.
B)a shift to higher efficiency of energy use.
C)increased reliance on renewable resources.
D)all of the above.
Tenets of deep ecology include
A)voluntary simplicity.
B)embracing biocentrism.
C)active participation to protect nature.
D)all of the above.
The Earth Charter
A)resulted from action by the United Nations.
B)states that we all share responsibility for caring for life's diversity.
C)advocates eradication of poverty.
D)is characterized by all of the above.
The EPA estimates substantial job opportunities for environmental professionals arising over the next five years.
Mainline environmental organizations have been criticized for being too quick to compromise.
Activities endorsed by the Student Environmental Action Coalition include confrontational protests.
Recent opinion polls in the U.S. indicate waning public support for strict protection of environmental quality.
In 1990, Congress passed the National Environmental Education Act
A)to improve understanding amongst the general public of the environment
B)to encourage students to pursue careers related to the environment
C)Both answers are correct
Environmental literacy does not refer to
A)an understanding of the principles of ecology
B)an attempt to establish a stewardship ethic
C)an initiative to promote journalists to write more about environmental issues
D)1 and 2 are correct
The Audubon Christmas Bird Count is an example of ________.
A)critical mass
B)citizen science
C)using Greeting Cards with images of rare species to promote conservation
D)None of the above
Conspicuous consumption is a term that was coined
A)to refer to the concept of purchasing things to impress others
B)a century ago
C)in the 1950's when consumption began to increase and family size began to decrease
D)1 and 2 are correct
E)1 and 3 are correct
The findings of the millennium assessment include, but are not limited to which of the following?
A)People have made unprecedented changes to ecosystems
B)Changes to the environment have improved the lives of billions
C)All of us depend on nature and ecosystem services
D)All of the above are correct
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