Installation Walkthrough Videos Videos showing the process to install the Medisoft software and the Student Data Files, for both Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems. Windows XP operating systems
Medisoft CD Installation - Windows XP (7990.0K)
Student Data File Installation - Windows XP (16428.0K)
Windows 7 operating systems
Medisoft CD Installation - Windows 7 (6206.0K) Student Data File Installation - Windows 7 (10921.0K)
Installing Medisoft Advanced Version 17 Instructor Edition: If you are using Medisoft at school, you do not need to install the Medisoft software, as your instructor will do this for you. Student At-Home Edition: If you are using the Student-At Home Edition on your home computer, you will need to install both the Medisoft software and the "CSMO8e" Student Data File (described below). Download and print the Student AtHome Installations
; document for your reference. (Questions about the necessary system requirements? Click here.) Place the Student At-Home CD in your CD drive. Follow the instructions in the PDF document to install the software. Remember to go to the instructions below to install the "CSMO8e" Student Data File before launching the software!
Installing the "CSMO8e" Student Data File Download the Student AtHome Installations
. When it has finished downloading, open the file on your computer and print it. Click the link for the CSMO8e
file and download the file to your computer desktop. This installer provides the patient database you will use to complete the Medisoft exercises in the textbook. (Updated May 2013.) Extract the files from to your computer desktop. Follow the instructions in the Student AtHome Installations
document to install the Student Data Files on the computer. Once you have completed the installation process for the Student Data File, do not try to open the resulting .mbk file on your computer by clicking on it. Instead, open Medisoft and it will prompt you to open the Student Data File.
Installing the "CSMO8e" Student Data File if you need to keep your Student Data Files from another book like CiMO, 8e.
- Download and print the file
Loading CSMO with CiMO-v17.doc
. - Download the file
to the folder on your hard drive where you will be saving your work for this course (for example, C:\ . . . \My Documents\Case Studies 6e). CSMO8e.mbk contains the student data for Case Studies. (Updated May 2013.) - Follow the instructions in the printout to load the Case Studies student data without removing CiMO data.
NOTE: The Medisoft backup file, CSMO8e.mbk, can only be used with Medisoft® Advanced Version 17 software.
Restore a Chapter Backup File This video shows you the backup and restore process in Medisoft. Backup and Restore (7963.0K)
NEED HELP? Read through the "McGraw-Hill Guide to Success for Medisoft Advanced Version 17" for detailed descriptions (with screenshots) of the different installation processes, FAQs and more!
MH Guide to Success for Medisoft V17
MH Guide to Success for Medisoft V17
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