Economics (McConnell), 18th EditionUpdates and Errata Page xvii: second column, second-to-last sentence in the first paragraph should read: “Shawn Knabb of Western Washington University deserves a great thanks for updating the Instructor’s Manual as well as for accuracy checking the many parts making up the 18e and the ancillaries.” Page 39: Consider This… box, 9 th line: “ownser” should read “owner.” Page 231: Table 11.2: The duplicate entry “Electronic computers 85 2662” should be deleted from line 2, column 2 of the table (below Petrochemicals). Page 232: First column, fourth line, the text should read: “…industry and the tire industry are similar: 76 and 77 percent.” Page 302: Second column, third line above the “Future Value and Present Value” header, it should be “$1000 principal”, not “principle”. Page 406: Second column, last paragraph, first sentence, the word should be “variability” instead of “variable”. Same location, third sentence, the word is “subsidies” and not “subsides”. Page 493, Global Perspective 24.2, source line: “Journal of Economic Literature” should be in italics. Page 667: Second line, second column: “banks need to keep…” (add “to”).
Page 677: Second column, last paragraph, first line should read: “What the Fed needs to do to achieve full employment is to move the AD curve back only from AD3 to AD4, …”
Page 682, first column, fifth line from the bottom: Should read “Fed purchases of U.S. securities…” Page 750, footnote 1: Change “American” to “ America.”  |