Biology (Mader), 10th EditionNew to this EditionVISUALS
The brilliant visuals program of the previous edition
is enhanced even more by the addition of many new
micrographs and innovative page layouts. CELLULAR BIOLOGY
Cell signaling receives expanded coverage as a mechanism
of cellular metabolism and cell division control.GENETICS
Reorganization of the genetics chapters results in
increased genome coverage, including the role of small
RNA molecules in regulation.SYSTEMATICS
Cladistics is better explained, and new evolutionary trees
are presented for protists, plants, and animals.EVOLUTION
A new chapter, Speciation and Macroevolution, points to the
possible role of Hox genes in punctuated evolution.PLANT EVOLUTION
A reorganization of Chapter 23 better describes the
evolution of plants from an aquatic green algal ancestor.ANIMAL EVOLUTION
Reorganization of Part VI results in two new animal
diversity chapters: the invertebrates and the vertebrates.
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