Chemistry (Chang), 9th EditionAP Achiever for ChemistryAdvanced Placement Exam Prep Guide
by Reen Gibb, Carol Murphree, Steve Bertenshaw, and Lisa McGaw
©2007 ISBN-10: 0-07-328659-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-07-328659-4
You've set high standards for yourself. Focused goals. And we're here to help you achieve them. Unlike most other AP* exam prep guides, AP* Achiever is uniquely tied to the market-leading college text and supporting online resources. By utilizing these resources together, achieving a "5" on the AP* exam becomes a reality. AP* Achiever is an Advanced Placement* exam preparation guide with advice and tips from experienced AP* exam contributors and readers. They offer more support than any other prep guide. There are two complete timed practice exams with detailed answers and model essays. Specifically designed to help your Advanced Placement students succeed in their studies and in achieving a high score on the AP Exam, this three-part guide works together with the time-honored text Chemistry, 9th Edition, by Raymond Chang to provide your students with: - An introduction to the Chemistry Advanced Placement Course and Exam, including tips on essay writing for the free-response portion of the Exam.
- Concepts, skills, and summaries that reinforce key material. Each chapter also includes "Take Note" sections to guide students through the most important information most likely featured on the AP Exam, as well as practice multiple-choice and essay questions with explanations.
- Two complete practice exams parallel the AP Chemistry Exam in terms of question type, and number of questions. Each practice exam is also similar to the AP Exam with regard to content, style, and format, and it includes answers and thorough explanations for your students.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3