Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionAbout the Authors About the Authors
David Shier Washtenaw Community College
My interest in physiology research and teaching began with a job as research assistant
at Harvard Medical School from 1976-1979. I completed my Ph.D. at University
of Michigan in 1984 and served on the faculty of Medical College of Ohio from 1985-
1989. I have been teaching Anatomy and Physiology and Pathophysiology full-time at
Washtenaw Community College since 1990 and contributing as a member of the author
team for the Hole texts since 1993.
Since the mid 1990s, when assessment of student academic achievement began
to surface as a mandate for accreditation, I have become increasingly interested in
the interrelationship between pedagogy and assessment. I think that we have all
used some pedagogical tools (figures from the text, for example) on exams as part of
assessment. Recently, in my own classroom, I have been using tools traditionally
associated with assessment (e.g., lab quizzes) more and more as pedagogical tools,
often in concert with group activities.
I also have interests outside of the classroom and away from the office! These include mountain biking, recorded music (vinyl!) and photography. My wife, Janet, is also an educator. We love to travel, but spend most of our time in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where we reside.
Jackie Butler Grayson County College
My science career began in research at M.D. Anderson Hospital, where teaching was not one of my responsibilities. My masters committee at Texas A & M University quickly realized where my heart was. After I taught labs at Texas A & M for three years, they strongly recommended that I seek a teaching position when I relocated after graduation. As a result of their encouragement, I began teaching at Grayson County College in 1981. Many years later, I still feel excited and enthusiastic about being in the classroom.
John Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, second edition was the book used at Grayson County College in 1981. We have continued teaching using this text through many editions. John Hole wrote a very well-organized, succinct text, appropriate for our student population. It has been a wonderful experience for me to be a part of this team that has worked to keep the text up-to-date and appropriate to the current student population. We have been selective in adding to the depth and detail of coverage in the text, so as to maintain Hole’s original intent of readability and the desire not to overwhelm the student.
Outside the classroom, I enjoy traveling with my husband, Dale. Additional interests include: 6:00 AM walking with my friends (12–15 miles a week), quilting, and reading.
Ricki Lewis Alden March Bioethics Institute
My career as a science communicator began with earning a PhD in genetics from Indiana
University in 1980, and quickly blossomed into writing for newspapers and magazines,
writing the introductory textbook Life, and teaching at several universities.
Since then I have published many articles, the textbook Human Genetics: Concepts and
Applications, an essay collection, and most recently my first novel. I love the challenge
of being part of the Hole team.
Since 1984 I have been a genetic counselor for a large private ob/gyn practice. I also work with the Cure Huntington’s Disease Initiative and write biotechnology market reports. As a hospice volunteer since 2005, I have learned about many disorders in a very personal manner. I also blog regularly at blog.bioethics.net.
When I’m not writing, I enjoy exercising, reading, and public speaking. I am also involved in launching a science center and teaching in an adult education program. My husband is a research chemist and we both are devoted to making science understandable to everyone. We have three daughters, many felines, a tortoise, and a hare, and reside in upstate New York and Martha’s Vineyard.
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