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Discussion Questions
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  1. What is your experience with people viewing conflict as a war, versus seeing it as an opportunity or a journey? How did things turn out?

  2. What examples of functional and dysfunctional conflict have you observed lately?

  3. Which of the antecedents of conflict do you think are most common (or most troublesome) in today's workplaces?

  4. Have you ever been directly involved in a personality conflict? Explain. Was it handled well? What could have been done differently?

  5. How could in-group thinking affect the performance of a manager living and working in a foreign country?

  6. Which of the five conflict-handling styles is your strongest? Your weakest? How can you improve your ability to handle conflict?

  7. What is your personal experience with conflict triangles? Based on what you have learned in this chapter, do you think you could do a better job of handling conflict triangles in the future?

  8. Which of the six ADR techniques appeals the most to you? Why?

  9. Has your concept of negotiation, prior to reading this chapter, been restricted to fixed-pie thinking?

  10. How could added-value negotiation make your life a bit easier? Explain in terms of a specific problem, conflict, or deadlock.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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