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Practical Tips on Managing Conflict and Preventing Violence and Crime

Sad to say, conflict and violence are all too common in today's world. Constructive help is needed. The National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC), with help from its familiar mascot McGruff the Crime Dog, has a Web site offering sound advice for people of all ages.

Go to and select the main menu heading "Topics". Browse the many topical categories for subjects of personal interest. Recommended topics include "Conflict Resolution", "Bullying", and "Hate/Bias". Additional good information, especially for parents, can be found in "Conflict Management" in the sub-section titled "Parents". To get there, click on the "By Audience" link and then click on "Parents".

What are the three best pieces of advice about handling conflict and preventing crime you picked up at the NCPC site? Any other useful ideas or approaches?
How important is it to "walk in the other person's shoes" when trying to avoid or resolve a conflict? Explain.
How do you tend to handle/avoid conflict?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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