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Chapter Objectives
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When you finish studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Describe the perceptual process model of communication.

  2. Describe the barriers to effective communication.

  3. Contrast the communication styles of assertiveness, aggressiveness, and nonassertiveness.

  4. Discuss the primary sources of nonverbal communication.

  5. Review the five dominant listening styles and 10 keys to effective listening.

  6. Describe the communication differences between men and women, and explain the source of these differences.

  7. Discuss the formal and informal communication channels.

  8. Explain the contingency approach to media selection.

  9. Review the benefits and drawbacks of e-mail and summarize how e-mail can be more effectively managed.

  10. Explain the information technology of Internet/intranet/extranet, handheld devices, blogs, videoconferencing, and group support systems, and explain the related use of teleworking.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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