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Discussion Questions
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  1. Describe a situation where you had trouble decoding a message. What caused the problem?

  2. What are some sources of noise that interfere with communication during a class lecture, an encounter with a professor in his or her office, or a movie?

  3. Which barrier to effective communication is more difficult to reduce?

  4. Would you describe your prevailing communication style as assertive, aggressive, or nonassertive? How can you tell? Would your style help or hinder you as a manager?

  5. Are you good at reading nonverbal communication? Give some examples.

  6. Which of the keys to effective listening are most difficult to follow when listening to a class lecture?

  7. Describe a miscommunication that occurred between you and someone of the opposite sex. Now explain how genderflexing might have been used to improve this interaction.

  8. Which of the three zones of communication in Figure 14-2 (overload, effective, and oversimplification) do you think is most common in today's large organizations? What is your rationale?

  9. Do you think that the government should allow people to use cell phones on an airplane? Discuss your rationale.

  10. What are the pros and cons of allowing employees to blog about the organizations in which they work?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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