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Discussion Questions
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  1. Of the nine generic influence tactics, which do you use the most when dealing with friends, parents, your boss, or your professors? Would other tactics be more effective?

  2. Using the three possible outcomes of influence as a guide, generally how effective are you at influencing others? What do you need to do to improve?

  3. Before reading this chapter, did the term power have a negative connotation for you? Do you view it differently now?

  4. What base of power do you rely on in your daily affairs? Do you handle power effectively and responsibly?

  5. In your opinion, how much empowerment is too much in today's workplaces?

  6. What are the main advantages and drawbacks of the trend toward increased delegation?

  7. Why do you think organizational politics is triggered primarily by uncertainty?

  8. What personal experiences have you had with coalitions?

  9. Refer to the online Self Exercise titled "How Much Do You Rely on Upward Impression Management Techniques." How heavily do you rely on upward impression management tactics? What are the career implications of your approach to impression management?

  10. How much impression management do you see in your classroom or workplace today? Citing specific examples, are those tactics effective?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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