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Discussion Questions
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  1. Is everyone cut out to be a leader? Explain.

  2. Has your college education helped you develop any of the traits that characterize leaders? Explain.

  3. Should organizations change anything in response to research pertaining to gender and leadership? If yes, describe your recommendations.

  4. What leadership traits and behavioral styles are possessed by the President of the United States?

  5. Does it make more sense to change a person's leadership style or the situation? How would Fred Fiedler and Robert House answer this question?

  6. Describe how a professional coach in any sport might use House's revised path-goal theory to clarify players' path-goal perceptions.

  7. Identify three transformational leaders, and describe their leadership traits and behavioral styles.

  8. Have you ever worked for a transformational leader? Describe how he or she transformed followers.

  9. Have you ever been a member of an in-group or out-group? For either situation, describe the pattern of interaction between you and your manager.

  10. In your view, which leadership theory has the greatest practical application? Why?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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