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The topic of leadership has been important since the dawn of time. History is filled with examples of great leaders such as Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Bill Gates. These leaders likely possessed some of the leadership traits discussed in this chapter, and they probably used a situational approach to lead their followers. The purpose of this exercise is for you to evaluate the leadership styles of an historical figure.

Go to the Internet home page for Leadership Values at Select the heading "4 E's" on the top menu bar and in the drop down, select "4 E's in full". This section provides an overview of leadership and suggests four essential traits/behaviors that are exhibited by leaders: to envision, enable, empower, and energize.

After reading this material, click on the "Featured Leaders" link on the top menu bar. From the list on the left-hand side of the page, choose one of the leaders from the list of historical figures and read the description about his or her leadership style. You may want to print all of the material you have read so far from this webpage to help you answer the following questions.

Describe the 4 E's of leadership.
To what extent do the 4 E's overlap with the theories and models of leadership discussed in this chapter?
Using any of the theories or models discussed in this chapter, how would you describe the leadership style of the historical figure you investigated?
Was this leader successful in using the 4 E's of leadership? Describe how he or she used the 4 E's.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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