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Discussion Questions
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  1. Regarding your cultural awareness, how would you describe the prevailing culture in your country to a stranger from another land?

  2. What are your personal experiences with ethnocentricism and cross-cultural dealings? What lessons have you learned?

  3. How would you rate your cultural intelligence? What do you need to do to improve it?

  4. Why are people from high-context cultures such as China and Japan likely to be misunderstood by low-context Westerners?

  5. On a scale of 1 = low to 10 = high, how would you rate yourself on the nine GLOBE cultural dimensions? What are the day-to-day and managerial implications of your cultural profile?

  6. Culturally speaking, are you individualistic or collectivist? How does that cultural orientation affect how you run your personal or business affairs, or both?

  7. Do you personally agree with the lists of universally liked and disliked leader attributes in Table 4-2? Explain.

  8. What needs to be done to improve the success rate of US managers in foreign assignments?

  9. How strong is your desire for a foreign assignment? Why? If it is strong, where would you like to work? How prepared are you for a foreign assignment? What do you need to do to be better prepared?

  10. What is your personal experience with culture shock? Which of the OB trouble spots in Figure 4-4 do you believe is the greatest threat to expatriate employee success? Explain.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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