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Discussion Questions
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  1. How should the reality of a more diverse workfare affect management's approach to dealing with individual differences?

  2. What is your personal experience with high and low self-esteem people?

  3. How is someone you know with low self-efficacy, relative to a specified task, "programming themselves for failure?" What could be done to help that individual develop high self-efficacy?

  4. What are the career implications of your self-monitoring score in the online Self Exercise "What Are Your Self-Monitoring Tendencies?"

  5. What are the day-to-day implications of your self-monitoring tendencies, and do you see any need for change? Explain.

  6. How would you rate yourself on the Big Five personality dimensions? Is your personality profile suitable for a management position?

  7. How would you respond to the following statement? "Whenever possible, managers should hire people with an external locus of control."

  8. How would you describe someone you know who has "practical" intelligence?

  9. What are your personal experiences with negative emotions being positive and positive emotions being negative?

  10. How would you rate your emotional intelligence and what steps could you take to improve it?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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