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Chapter Objectives
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When you finish studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Describe perception in terms of the information-processing model.

  2. Identify and briefly explain seven managerial implications of social perception.

  3. Discuss stereotypes and the process of stereotype formation.

  4. Summarize the managerial challenges and recommendations of sex-role, age, racial and ethnic, and disability stereotypes.

  5. Describe and contrast the Pygmalion effect, the Galatea effect, and the Golem effect.

  6. Discuss how the self-fulfilling prophecy is created and how it can be used to improve individual and group productivity.

  7. Explain, according to Kelley's model, how external and internal causal attributions are formulated.

  8. Contrast the fundamental attribution bias and the self-serving bias.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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