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Discussion Questions
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  1. Why is it important for managers to have a working knowledge of perception and attribution?

  2. When you are sitting in class, what stimuli are salient? What is your schema for classroom activity?

  3. Have you ever been stereotyped by someone else? Discuss.

  4. Which type of stereotype (sex role, age racial and ethnic, or disability) do you believe is more pervasive in organizations? Why?

  5. What evidence of self-fulfilling prophecies have you seen lately?

  6. How might your professor use the process outlined in Figure 7-2 to improve the overall performance of the students in your class?

  7. Have you ever experienced the Galatea effect or the Golem effect? Describe what happened.

  8. How would you formulate an attribution, according to Kelley's model, for the behavior of a classmate who starts arguing in class with your professor?

  9. Are poor people victimized by a fundamental attribution bias? Explain.

  10. What evidence of the self-serving bias have you observed lately?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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