1 |  |  As blood flows through capillaries, the hydrostatic pressure of the blood forces some fluid out of the capillary walls and into the tissue spaces. (p. 366) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
2 |  |  Tissue fluid is the same as interstitial fluid; and may form lymph fluid that returns to the venous blood through lymphatic vessels. (p. 366) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
3 |  |  The lymph nodes within the lymphatic system are considered part of the excretory system. (p. 366) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
4 |  |  Normal blood pH ranges from 7.35 to 7.45. (p. 368) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
5 |  |  The most common and yet the smallest plasma protein is albumin, whose primary function is to draw water from the surrounding extracellular fluid (ECF) into the capillary plasma. (p. 365) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
6 |  |  Alpha, beta, and gamma globulins are all plasma proteins produced by the liver; and they all function as antibodies in immune defense against foreign antigens. (p. 368) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
7 |  |  Diapedesis is the movement like that of amoeba performed by leukocytes (white blood cells) as they pass through pores in the walls of the capillary to reach sites of infection. (p. 369) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
8 |  |  The most abundant type of leukocyte, comprising 50% to 70% of all white blood cells in the blood, is the lymphocyte. (p. 370) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
9 |  |  Neutrophils are actually enlarged monocytes that produce and secrete large amounts of antibodies into the blood when activated by antigens. (p. 370) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
10 |  |  Leukopoiesis is stimulated by cytokines. (p. 371) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
11 |  |  Erythropoietin is a hormone secreted by the kidneys in response to lowered blood oxygen concentrations, stimulating the erythrocyte stem cells in the bone marrow to divide. (p. 371) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
12 |  |  Reticulocytes become normoblasts when the nucleus is expelled. (p. 372) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
13 |  |  People who are blood type O must inherit the genotype ii and have both anti-A and anti-B antibodies present in their plasma. (p. 372) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
14 |  |  People who are blood type AB develop tolerance to both A and B antigens and thus do not produce either anti-A or anti-B antibodies. (p. 373) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
15 |  |  A prostaglandin derivative that is believed to normally prevent platelets from sticking to each other and to the endothelial lining of healthy blood vessels is called thromboxane A2. (p. 374) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
16 |  |  The drug, aspirin, is an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis and would be expected to inhibit the platelet release reaction and thus slow the formation of a platelet plug. (p. 374) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
17 |  |  Plasma is actually serum that is lacking the clotting factor protein called fibrinogen. (p. 375) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
18 |  |  When repairs have been made to the vessel, the activated plasma enzyme that digests fibrin and dissolves the clot is called plasmin. (p. 376) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
19 |  |  Heparin is the specific anticoagulant that must be given to a patient for several days before it becomes effective because it competes directly with the action of vitamin K. (p. 376) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
20 |  |  In general, the kidneys regulate the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood and the lungs regulate the bicarbonate concentration of the blood. (p. 377) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
21 |  |  Carbonic acid is referred to as a volatile acid because it can be converted into a gas and, thus, its blood concentration can be controlled by the lungs through proper ventilation. (p. 377) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
22 |  |  Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is a clinical condition that can result in a metabolic alkalosis. (p. 378) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
23 |  |  The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation can be used to demonstrate that respiratory acidosis or alkalosis occurs when the bicarbonate concentrations in the blood are abnormal. (p. 378) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
24 |  |  A muscular wall called a septum prevents the mixture of blood between the left and right sides of the heart. (p. 379) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
25 |  |  The myocardial cells of the atria and ventricles are structurally and functionally separated from each other by a fibrous skeleton. Consequently, a special conducting tissue is needed to carry action potentials from the atria to the ventricles. (p. 379) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
26 |  |  The pressures in the left and right ventricle are equal during all stages of the cardiac cycle. (p. 382) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
27 |  |  The valves between the chambers of the heart open and close due to changes in pressure that occur within the chambers on either side of the valves. (p. 383) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
28 |  |  Normally, both atria contract at the same time, followed shortly by both ventricles contracting at the same time. (p. 381) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
29 |  |  The contraction of both atria is essential for life because it delivers about 80% of the total volume of blood to the ventricles for subsequent ejection. (p. 381) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
30 |  |  During the isovolumetric contraction and isovolumetric relaxation phases, all four valves in the heart (both sets of AV and semilunar valves) are closed. (p. 382) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
31 |  |  During inhalation particularly, the first heart sound may be "split" into two separate sounds as the tricuspid and mitral heart valves close individually. (p. 383) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
32 |  |  A streptococcus bacterial throat infection in susceptible persons may lead to rheumatic fever and rheumatic endocarditis, resulting in damage to the heart valves and detectable murmurs. (p. 383) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
33 |  |  Simple septal defects are usually congenital, resulting in the flow of blood from the right side of the heart to the left side of the heart due to the higher pressure on the right side. (p. 383) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
34 |  |  The fact that the heart of a frog will continue to beat outside of its body without communication by nerves or hormones, as long as the myocardial cells remain alive is called automaticity.(p. 385) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
35 |  |  An ectopic pacemaker (or ectopic focus) is a cluster of myocardial cells located away from the SA node that take over and regulate the cardiac pace. (p. 386) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
36 |  |  The rate of impulse conduction from the SA node is slowed through the AV node, causing a time delay before the ventricles are excited. (p. 386) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
37 |  |  Myocardial contractions cannot be summed because of the long refractory periods. (p. 387) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
38 |  |  Following contraction all of the Ca2+ is transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by active transport. .(p. 384) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
39 |  |  The body is a good conductor of electricity because tissue fluids contain a high concentration of ions that move in response to changes in the membrane potentials, thereby creating current. (p. 387) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
40 |  |  Lead II bipolar leads records the cardiac electrical activity between the left arm and the left leg. (p. 389) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
41 |  |  There are a total of six standard ECG leads that "view" the changing pattern of the heart's electrical activity from different angles. (p. 389) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
42 |  |  The electrocardiogram (ECG) wave patterns designated P, QRS, and T are recordings of action potentials from specific regions in the heart. (p. 388) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
43 |  |  Compared to larger arteries, smaller arteries and arterioles are less elastic and have a thicker layer of smooth muscle for their diameters. (p. 392) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
44 |  |  Fenestrated capillaries are characterized by great distances between endothelial cells that can appear as little cavities or sinusoids in organs like the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. (p. 394) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
45 |  |  Varicose veins result from extra blood accumulating in the veins of the legs over a long period of time so that the veins stretch and the valves can no longer prevent blood from flowing backwards. (p. 395) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
46 |  |  Atherosclerosis, accompanied by heart disease and stroke, is responsible for about 50% of the deaths in the United States, Europe, and Japan. (p. 396) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
47 |  |  "Fatty streaks" are gray-white areas that protrude from the tunica intima into the lumen of arteries and are present in children to a small degree in the aorta and coronary arteries by the age of ten. (p. 396) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
48 |  |  In the progression of atherosclerosis, neutrophils may engulf lipids passing through endothelium of arteries and become "foamy cells." (p. 396) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
49 |  |  Familiar hypercholesteremia results from a genetic defect that does not allow for proper removal of LDLs. (p. 396) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
50 |  |  Persons having higher plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations and lower plasma HDL-cholesterol concentrations appear to have a lower risk of developing atherosclerosis. (p. 398) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
51 |  |  About 40%-50% of the calories eaten in a typical fast-food restaurant are derived from the ingestion of fat. (p. 398) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
52 |  |  Ischemia is an inadequate flow of blood (and an inadequate supply of oxygen) to any tissue. (p. 398) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
53 |  |  A cardiac rate slower than 60 beats per minute indicates tachycardia; whereas a rate faster than 100 beats per minute is described as bradycardia. (p. 399) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
54 |  |  Because of the importance of the atrial contraction to the filling of the ventricles with blood, fibrillation of the atria with electrical circus rhythms recycling through the myocardium is life threatening. (p. 399) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
55 |  |  In the condition known as first-degree AV node block, damage to the AV node causes slowing of impulse conduction through the heart and the P-R interval exceeds 0.20 seconds in duration. (p. 400) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
56 |  |  Like veins, the walls of lymphatic vessels have the same three layers and contain valves to prevent the backward flow of lymph. (p. 401) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
57 |  |  Lymph is formed by the filtration of plasma from blood capillaries that flows between tissues cells as interstitial fluid and later returns via lymphatic vessels to the blood, completing the cycle. (p. 401) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
58 |  |  Lymph node germinal centers are the sites of pathogen removal by resident phagocytes in the lymphatic system. (p. 402) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |