1 |  |  An embryo is always stimulated to develop into a female, if it (p. 636) |
|  | A) | has at least one X chromosome. |
|  | B) | has two X chromosomes |
|  | C) | has an X and a Y chromosome |
|  | D) | lacks a Y chromosome. |
2 |  |  All chromosomes except the X and Y chromosomes, are called (p. 636) |
|  | A) | homologous chromosomes |
|  | B) | diploid chromosomes |
|  | C) | autosomes |
|  | D) | polysomes |
3 |  |  Barr bodies at the edge of the typical cell nucleus and drumstick appendages in the nuclei of neutrophils from a blood sample represent the (p. 637) |
|  | A) | inactive heterochromatin of cells from a female |
|  | B) | active euchromatin of cells from either sex |
|  | C) | parts of a chromosome that become visible during mitosis |
|  | D) | structures seen only during meiosis in spermatogenesis and oogenesis. |
4 |  |  The germinal cells (those that through meiosis and subsequent specialization, will eventually become sperm and ova) of the gonads ultimately came from germ cells that migrated there from the (p. 672) |
|  | A) | placenta |
|  | B) | fetal kidney |
|  | C) | smooth chorion |
|  | D) | yolk sac |
5 |  |  For the first 40 days of embryonic development, the gonads have the potential to become either ovaries or testes. The hypothetical substance that determines which of these will occur has been called the (p. 637) |
|  | A) | ovary-producing hormone (OPH) |
|  | B) | testis-determining factor (TDF) |
|  | C) | mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF) |
|  | D) | wolffian inhibiting factor (WIF) |
6 |  |  Even in the early development of the male testis, large amounts of male sex hormones, or androgens, such as testosterone are produced by the (p. 638) |
|  | A) | Graafian cells |
|  | B) | Sertoli cells |
|  | C) | Leydig cells |
|  | D) | Müllerian cells |
7 |  |  Development of a male fetus depends on suppressing the development of the embryonic ____ and stimulating the development of the ____. (p. 639) |
|  | A) | Leydig cells and Sertoli cells, respectively. |
|  | B) | müllerian ducts and wolffian ducts, respectively. |
|  | C) | urogenital folds and labioscrotal folds, respectively. |
|  | D) | genital tubercle and phallus, respectively. |
8 |  |  The scrotum of the male and labia majora of the female are said to be homologous structures because they both develop from the ____ _____ of the embryo. (p. 639) |
|  | A) | genital tubercle |
|  | B) | urogenital sinus |
|  | C) | urethral folds |
|  | D) | labioscrotal swellings |
9 |  |  The function of the enzyme 5α-reductase is to (p. 639) |
|  | A) | convert testosterone into the active hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). |
|  | B) | cause the fetal gonad to develop into a testis. |
|  | C) | suppress development of Müllerian duct derivatives. |
|  | D) | convert testosterone in the brain to estradiol-17β. |
10 |  |  A developmental abnormality, inherited as a recessive trait, that is caused by excessive androgen secretion from the adrenal cortex of the fetus, is called (p. 641) |
|  | A) | testicular feminization syndrome |
|  | B) | congenital adrenal hyperplasia |
|  | C) | hermaphroditism |
|  | D) | adrenogenital hypermasculine syndrome |
11 |  |  If the developing testes are functioning normally and producing testosterone, yet the embryonic target tissues lack receptors for responding to this hormone, a fetus would develop (p. 641) |
|  | A) | ovaries |
|  | B) | normal male external genitalia |
|  | C) | Klinefelter's syndrome |
|  | D) | testicular feminization syndrome |
12 |  |  Which of the following is a gonadotropic hormone? (p. 642) |
|  | A) | testosterone |
|  | B) | estradiol |
|  | C) | luteinizing hormone (LH) |
|  | D) | progesterone |
13 |  |  Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) is a (p. 642) |
|  | A) | sex steroid |
|  | B) | hypothalamic hormone |
|  | C) | gonadotropin |
|  | D) | androgen |
14 |  |  The effect of the hormone, inhibin, secreted by the Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules of the male testes or by the granulosa cells in the female ovarian follicles, is to specifically inhibit the secretion of (p. 643) |
|  | A) | FSH. |
|  | B) | FSH and LH. |
|  | C) | GnRH. |
|  | D) | testosterone. |
15 |  |  At puberty, there is a sudden increase in secretion of all the following hormones, yet which one of these hormones specifically triggers the rest? (p. 644) |
|  | A) | GnRH |
|  | B) | estradiol-17β |
|  | C) | FSH and LH |
|  | D) | testosterone |
16 |  |  Which of the following is not a secondary sexual characteristic? (p. 644) |
|  | A) | growth and development of the penis |
|  | B) | growth and development of the breasts |
|  | C) | formation of pubic and axillary hair |
|  | D) | enlargement of the larynx (voice becomes lower) |
17 |  |  The only cells of the testis that have cellular receptor proteins for the hormone FSH, are the (p. 646) |
|  | A) | Leydig cells |
|  | B) | granulosa cells |
|  | C) | Sertoli cells |
|  | D) | None of the above choices is correct; FSH receptors are found only in the ovaries |
18 |  |  The hormone, melatonin is secreted by the (p. 645) |
|  | A) | anterior lobe of the pituitary gland |
|  | B) | hypothalamus |
|  | C) | gonads |
|  | D) | pineal gland |
19 |  |  The hormones known as androgens have many actions including all of the following effects except the (p. 647) |
|  | A) | increased synthesis of hemoglobin |
|  | B) | development of the Müllerian duct |
|  | C) | growth of the long bones |
|  | D) | erythropoiesis (red blood cell formation) |
20 |  |  In spermatogenesis, the earliest haploid (1n) cell formed is called a (p. 649) |
|  | A) | primary spermatocyte |
|  | B) | secondary spermatocyte |
|  | C) | spermatogonium |
|  | D) | spermatid |
21 |  |  During the earliest stages of spermatogenesis, the spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes are located in the ____ portion of the seminiferous tubules. (p. 649) |
|  | A) | proximal to the epididymis (near the rete testis) |
|  | B) | distal to the epididymis (away from the rete testis) |
|  | C) | adluminal (toward the lumen) |
|  | D) | peripheral (toward the outside) |
22 |  |  Until the time of ejaculation, sperm are matured and stored, mainly in the (p. 651) |
|  | A) | seminiferous tubules |
|  | B) | epididymis |
|  | C) | vas deferens |
|  | D) | seminal vesicles |
23 |  |  Which of the following is an "erectile tissue" that forms columns extending the length of the penis? (p. 653) |
|  | A) | corpus albicans |
|  | B) | corpus luteum |
|  | C) | corpus cavernosum |
|  | D) | corpus callosum |
24 |  |  The sympathetic nervous system causes all of the following responses, except the (p. 653) |
|  | A) | erection of the penis |
|  | B) | peristalsis of the vas deferens (emission) |
|  | C) | expulsion of semen from the penis (ejaculation) |
|  | D) | release of secretions from the prostate gland into the semen |
25 |  |  The average ejaculation expels 1.5-5.0 ml of semen, which contains about ____ sperm. (p. 655) |
|  | A) | 15-20 million |
|  | B) | 45-50 million |
|  | C) | 90-750 million |
|  | D) | 1.1-1.4 billion |
26 |  |  Which of the following is not a female accessory sex organ? (p. 657) |
|  | A) | ovary |
|  | B) | uterine tube |
|  | C) | uterus |
|  | D) | vagina |
27 |  |  An ovarian follicle that has multiple layers of granulosa cells that surround the oocyte and has fluid-filled vesicles but no antrum, would be called a(n) (p. 658) |
|  | A) | primordial follicle |
|  | B) | primary follicle |
|  | C) | secondary follicle |
|  | D) | graafian follicle |
28 |  |  In oogenesis, meiosis I does not produce two equal-sized daughter cells, but rather forms one large oocyte and one small (p. 661) |
|  | A) | oogonium |
|  | B) | ootid |
|  | C) | polar body |
|  | D) | antrum |
29 |  |  An egg cell completes meiosis II (p. 661) |
|  | A) | around the fifth month of fetal development. |
|  | B) | in the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle. |
|  | C) | at the time of fertilization by sperm. |
|  | D) | at the time of ovulation. |
30 |  |  Ovulation is the process whereby a ____ is released into the fallopian tube. (p. 659) |
|  | A) | secondary oocyte |
|  | B) | secondary oocyte surrounded by the zona pellucida |
|  | C) | secondary oocyte, zona pellucida, and corona radiata |
|  | D) | secondary oocyte, zona pellucida, corona radiata, and cumulus oophorus |
31 |  |  The corpus luteum of the ovary secretes (p. 660) |
|  | A) | only estradiol |
|  | B) | estradiol and progesterone |
|  | C) | only luteinizing hormone (LH) |
|  | D) | only human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) |
32 |  |  Progesterone levels are especially high during the ____ phase of the ovarian or menstrual cycle. (p. 664)(p. 671) |
|  | A) | follicular |
|  | B) | proliferative |
|  | C) | menstrual |
|  | D) | luteal |
33 |  |  The "surge" in luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion from the anterior pituitary that causes ovulation can be partially explained by the (p. 663) |
|  | A) | rising levels of estradiol increase the pituitary gland's release of LH (positive feedback). |
|  | B) | graafian follicle growing large enough by this time to secrete large amounts of LH. |
|  | C) | rising levels of GnRH causes the graafian follicle to produce more LH receptors. |
|  | D) | rising levels of progesterone that exerts a continuous negative feedback effect on the hypothalamus. |
34 |  |  The hormone that is most directly involved in triggering ovulation, is (p. 663) |
|  | A) | inhibin |
|  | B) | follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) |
|  | C) | human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) |
|  | D) | luteinizing hormone (LH) |
35 |  |  The secretory phase of the uterus corresponds in time to the ____ phase of the ovary. (p. 665) |
|  | A) | follicular |
|  | B) | atretic |
|  | C) | ovulatory |
|  | D) | luteal |
36 |  |  Constriction of the spiral arteries and sloughing of the endometrium are characteristic of that event known as (p. 665) |
|  | A) | menopause |
|  | B) | menarche |
|  | C) | menstruation |
|  | D) | amenorrhea |
37 |  |  Difficult menstruation with severe menstrual cramps is a condition called (p. 665) |
|  | A) | dysmenorrhea |
|  | B) | menorrhagia |
|  | C) | metrorrhagia |
|  | D) | amenorrhea |
38 |  |  Before sperm are able to fertilize an egg, they must undergo a process called ____; which normally requires that sperm be present for about seven hours in the female reproductive tract.(p. 667) |
|  | A) | spermiogenesis |
|  | B) | the acrosomal reaction |
|  | C) | capacitation |
|  | D) | implantation |
39 |  |  A zygote undergoes its first mitotic division or cleavage and becomes a two-celled embryo(p. 669) |
|  | A) | about 30-90 minutes after fertilization |
|  | B) | about 30-36 hours after fertilization |
|  | C) | when it arrives in the uterus about four days after ovulation |
|  | D) | when it becomes implanted in the uterine wall about six days after fertilization |
40 |  |  Which of the following arrangements of events is in proper order of occurrence? (p. 674) |
|  | A) | capacitation, acrosomal reaction, cleavage, implantation, decidual reaction |
|  | B) | acrosomal reaction, capacitation, cleavage, decidual reaction, implantation |
|  | C) | capacitation, implantation, cleavage, acrosomal reaction, decidual reaction |
|  | D) | acrosomal reaction, decidual reaction, capacitation, implantation, cleavage |
41 |  |  In embryonic development, the hollow ball which implants in the uterine wall, is called the (p. 670) |
|  | A) | trophoblast |
|  | B) | morula |
|  | C) | frondosum |
|  | D) | blastocyst |
42 |  |  To prevent menstruation and to sustain pregnancy, the trophoblast cells of the implanted embryo must secrete ____ for the first five or six weeks. (p. 677) |
|  | A) | progesterone |
|  | B) | human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) |
|  | C) | luteinizing hormone (LH) |
|  | D) | estrogen |
43 |  |  Which of the following tissues contribute to formation of the placenta? (p. 674) |
|  | A) | chorion frondosum and decidua basalis |
|  | B) | amniotic sac and chorion |
|  | C) | cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast |
|  | D) | endoderm and ectoderm |
44 |  |  An advantage of chorionic villus biopsy over amniocentesis for the diagnosis of genetic diseases is that (p. 675) |
|  | A) | it provides more selective sampling of just fetal cells, while amniocentesis samples both fetal and maternal cells. |
|  | B) | diagnostic information is available at an earlier stage of fetal development. |
|  | C) | it can detect a wider range of genetic and metabolic birth defects than amniocentesis. |
|  | D) | it is safer than amniocentesis. |
45 |  |  In general, the time for the initiation of labor in humans appears to be set by the (p. 677) |
|  | A) | maturity of the fetus. |
|  | B) | drop in cholesterol levels in the mother's blood. |
|  | C) | increase in glucose levels in the mother's blood. |
|  | D) | amount of weight gained by the mother during pregnancy. |
46 |  |  The placenta cannot convert cholesterol into androgens and estrogens without the cooperation of enzymes present in the (p. 677) |
|  | A) | fetus |
|  | B) | chorion |
|  | C) | endometrium |
|  | D) | blood plasma |
47 |  |  Oxytocin stimulates labor contractions, but dilation of the cervix and progression of labor also requires the secretion of ____ by the uterus itself. (p. 677) |
|  | A) | progesterone |
|  | B) | estradiol |
|  | C) | prostaglandins |
|  | D) | chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) |
48 |  |  The hormone ____, which is necessary for the synthesis of milk proteins, is actually not secreted until after birth. (p. 679) |
|  | A) | luteinzing hormone (LH) |
|  | B) | prolactin |
|  | C) | oxytocin |
|  | D) | dopamine |
49 |  |  The milk ejection reflex is most directly caused by _____ . (p. 680) |
|  | A) | progesterone |
|  | B) | prolactin |
|  | C) | prostaglandins |
|  | D) | oxytocin |