|  Human Physiology, 7/e Stuart I Fox,
Pierce College
Interactions between Cells and the Extracellular Environment
Chapter SummaryDiffusion and Osmosis - Diffusion is the net movement of molecules or
ions from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration.
- This is a type of passive transport, energy
is provided by the thermal energy of the molecules, not by cellular metabolism.
- Net diffusion stops when the concentration
is equal on both sides of the membrane.
- The rate of diffusion is dependent on a variety
of factors.
- The rate of diffusion depends on the concentration
difference across the two sides of the membrane.
- The rate depends on the permeability of
the cell membrane to the diffusing substance.
- The rate depends on the temperature of the
- The rate of diffusion through a membrane
is also directly proportional to the surface area of the membrane, which
can be increased by such adaptations as microvilli.
- Simple diffusion is the type of passive transport
in which small molecules and inorganic ions move through the cell membrane.
- Inorganic ions, such as Na+ and
K+ pass through specific channels in the membrane.
- Steroid hormones and other lipids can pass
by simple diffusion directly through the phospholipid layers of the membrane.
- Osmosis is the simple diffusion of solvent (water)
through a membrane that is more permeable to the solvent than it is to the
- Water moves from the solution that is more
dilute to the solution that has a higher solute concentration.
- Osmosis depends on a difference in total
solute concentration, not on the chemical nature of the solute.
- The concentration of total solute, in
moles per kilogram (liter) of water, is measured in osmolality units.
- The solution with the higher osmolality
has the higher osmotic pressure.
- Water moves by osmosis from the solution
of lower osmolality and osmotic pressure to the solution of higher
osmolality and osmotic pressure.
- Solutions that have the same osmotic pressure
as plasma (such as 0.9% NaCl and 5% glucose) are said to be isotonic to
- Solutions with a lower osmotic pressure
are hypotonic; those with a higher osmotic pressure are hypertonic.
- Cells in a hypotonic solution gain water
and swell; those in a hypertonic solution lose water and shrink (crenate).
- The osmolality and osmotic pressure of the
plasma is detected by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus of the brain and
maintained within a normal range by the action of antidiuretic hormone
(ADH) released from the posterior pituitary.
- Increased osmolality of the blood stimulates
the osmoreceptors.
- Stimulation of the osmoreceptors causes
thirst and triggers the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from
the posterior pituitary.
- ADH promotes water retention by the
kidneys, which serves to maintain a normal blood volume and osmolality.
Carrier-Mediated Transport - The passage of glucose, amino acids, and other
polar molecules through the cell membrane is mediated by carrier proteins
in the cell membrane.
- Carrier-mediated transport exhibits the
properties of specificity, competition, and saturation.
- The transport rate of molecules such as
glucose reaches a maximum when the carriers are saturated. This maximum
rate is called the transport maximum, or Tm.
- The transport of molecules such as glucose from
the side of higher to the side of lower concentration by means of membrane
carriers is called facilitated diffusion.
- Like simple diffusion, this is passive transport,
cellular energy is not required.
- Unlike simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion
displays the properties of specificity, competition, and saturation.
- The active transport of molecules and ions across
a membrane requires the expenditure of cellular energy (ATP).
- In active transport, carriers move molecules
or ions from the side of lower to the side of higher concentration.
- One example of active transport is the action
of the Na+/K+ pump.
- Sodium is more concentrated on the outside
of the cell, whereas potassium is more concentrated on the inside
of the cell.
- The Na+/K+ pump
helps to maintain these concentration differences by transporting
Na+ out of the cell and K+ into the cell.
The Membrane Potential - The cytoplasm of the cell contains negatively
charged organic ions (anions) that cannot leave the cell; they are "fixed"
- These fixed anions attract K+,
which is the inorganic ion that can pass through the cell membrane most
- As a result of this electrical attraction,
the concentration of K+ within the cell is greater than the
concentration of K+ in the extracellular fluid.
- If K+ were the only diffusible
ion, the concentration of K+ on the inside and outside of the
cell would reach an equilibrium.
- At this point, the rate of K+
entry (due to electrical attraction) would equal the rate of K+
exit (due to diffusion).
- At this equilibrium, there would still
be a higher concentration of negative charges within the cell (because
of the fixed anions) than outside the cell.
- At this equilibrium, the inside of the
cell would be ninety millivolts negative (-90 mV) compared to the
outside of the cell. This is called the K+ equilibrium
potential (EK).
- The resting membrane potential is less than
EK; it is usually -65 mV to -85 mV. This is because some Na+
can also enter the cell.
- Na+ is more highly concentrated
outside than inside the cell, and the inside of the cell is negative.
These forces attract Na+ into the cell.
- The rate of Na+ entry is
generally slow because the membrane is usually not very permeable
to Na+.
- The slow rate of Na+ entry is accompanied
by a slow rate of K+ pump, which maintains constant concentrations
and a constant resting membrane potential.
- The Na+/K+ pump counters
this leakage, thus maintaining constant concentrations and a constant
resting membrane potential.
- Most cells in the body contain numerous
Na+/K+ pumps that require a constant expenditure
of energy.
- The Na+/K+ pump itself
contributes to the membrane potential because it pumps more Na+
out than it pumps K+ in (by a ratio of three to two).
After studying this chapter, students should
be able to . . . - describe diffusion and explain its physical
- explain how nonpolar molecules, inorganic ions,
and water can diffuse through a cell membrane.
- state the factors that influence the rate of
diffusion through cell membranes.
- define the term osmosis and describe
the conditions required for osmosis to occur.
- define the terms osmolality and osmotic
pressure and explain how these factors relate to osmosis.
- define the terms tonicity and distinguish
between isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.
- describe the characteristics of carrier-mediated
- describe the facilitated diffusion of glucose
through cell membranes, and give examples of where this occurs in the body.
- explain what is meant by active transport and
describe how the Na+/K+ pumps work.
- explain how an equilibrium potential is produced
when only one ion is able to diffuse through a cell membrane.
- explain why the resting membrane potential is
slightly different than the potassium equilibrium potential, and describe
the effect of the extracellular potassium concentration on the resting membrane
- explain the role of the Na+/K+
pumps in the maintenance of the resting membrane potential.