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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 4/e
Rod R. Seeley, Idaho State University
Philip Tate, Phoenix College
Trent D. Stephens, Idaho State University

The Muscular System

Study Outline

  1. Functions of the Muscular System
    1. Body movement
    2. Maintenance of posture
    3. Respiration
    4. Production of body heat
    5. Communication
    6. Constriction of organs and vessels
    7. Heart beat
  2. Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle
    1. Contractility
    2. Excitability
    3. Extensibility
    4. Elasticity
  3. Muscle Structure(Fig. 7.2, p. 155)
    1. Muscle
    2. Muscle fasciculi
    3. Muscle fibers (cells)
    4. Myofibrils Systems Pathology: Muscular Dystrophy, p. 189
    5. Sarcomeres(Fig. 7.3, p. 156)
    6. Actin and myosin myofilaments
  4. Membrane Potentials
    1. Resting membrane potential(Fig. 7.4a, b, p. 157)
    2. Depolarization
    3. Repolarization
    4. Action potential(Fig. 7.4c, d, p. 157)
  5. Nerve supply(Fig. 7.5, p. 158)
    1. Neuromuscular junctions (synapses)(Fig. 7.6, p. 159)
    2. Neurotransmitter-acetylcholine
    3. Acetylcholinesterase
  6. Muscle Contraction(Table 7.1, p. 160)
    1. Sliding filament mechanism(Fig. 7.7, p. 161)
      1. Calcium ions
      2. Role of ATP(Fig. 7.8, p. 162)
      3. Cross bridge formation
      4. Relaxation
    2. Muscle twitch, tetanus, and recruitment(Fig. 7.9, Fig. 7.10 p. 163)
    3. Energy requirements for muscle contraction(Fig. 7.11, p. 164)
      1. Creatine phosphate
      2. Anaerobic respiration
        1. ATP
        2. Lactic acid
      3. Aerobic respiration
        1. ATP
        2. CO2 and H2O
      4. Muscle fatigue and physiological contractureClinical Focus: Disorders and Other Conditions of Muscle Tissue, p. 166
      5. Types of muscle contraction
        1. Isotonic contractions
        2. Isometric contractions
        3. Concentric contractions
        4. Eccentric contractions
      6. Muscle tone
      7. Muscle fiber types
        1. Fast-twitch fibers
        2. Slow-twitch fibers
  7. Smooth Muscle and Cardiac Muscle
    1. Characteristics(Table 7.2, p. 167)
  8. Skeletal Muscle Anatomy(Fig, 7.1, p. 153)
    1. General Principles and Terminology(Fig. 7.12, p. 167)
      1. Origin and insertion
      2. Synergists and antagonists
      3. Prime movers and fixators
    2. Nomenclature
      1. Superficial muscles (Fig. 7.13a. b., p. 168-169)
        (Fig. 7-14, p. 170 surface view)
    3. Head muscles
      1. Muscles of facial expression(Table 7.3, Fig. 7.15, p. 170-171)
      2. Muscles of mastication(Table 7.4, Fig. 7.15, p. 171)
      3. Tongue and swallowing muscles(Fig. 7.16, Table 7.5, p. 172)
    4. Neck muscles(Tbl. 7.6, p. 173; Fig. 7.13, p169, Fig. 7.15, p. 171, Fig. 7.17, p. 173, Fig. 7.21, p.128)
    5. Trunk muscles
      1. Muscles moving vertebral column(Fig. 7.17, Table 7.7, p. 173-74)
      2. Thoracic muscles(Fig. 7.18, Table 7.8, p. 175; Fig. 7.21, p. 178)
      3. Abdominal wall muscles(Fig. 7.19, Table 7.9, p. 176)
      4. Pelvic floor and perineal muscles(Fig. 7.20, Table 7.10, p. 177)
    6. Upper limb muscles(Fig. 7.24, p. 182 - surface view)
      1. Scapular movements(Tbl. 7.11, Fig. 7.22, p. 179-80)
      2. Arm muscles and movements(Table 7.12, 7.13, p. 181; Fig. 7.21, p. 178; Fig. 7.22, p. 180)
      3. Forearm muscles(Fig. 7.23, Table 7.14, p. 182-183)
      4. Wrist and finger movements
    7. Lower limb muscles(Fig. 7.27, p. 188 - surface view)
      1. Thigh movements(Tbl. 7.15, Fig. 7.25, p. 184-85)
      2. Leg movements(Fig. 7.25, Table 7.16, p. 185-86)
      3. Ankle and toe movements(Fig. 7.26, Table 7.17, p. 187)