Andrews, Richard N. L. 1999. Managing the environment, Managing Ourselves:
A History of American Environmental Policy. Yale Univ. Press. Babiker, M. H., et al. 2002. "The evolution of a climate regime: Kyoto
to Marrakech and beyond." Environmental Science and Policy 5 (3):
195-206. Discusses the international policy debate on climate change. Bachrach, P. and A. Botwinick. 1992. Power and Empowerment: A Radical Theory
of Participatory Democracy. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. A
classic analysis of participatory democracy. Brick, Philip, et al. 2000. Across the Great Divide: Exploration in Collaborative
Conservation and the American West. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A new conservation
movement emphasizes local participation, sustainability, and giving voice to
the disempowered. Bright, Chris. 2000. "Environmental Surprises: Planning for the Unexpected."
The Futurist July/August: 41-47. Environmental futurists are finding
new ways to cope with complex, unexpected change. Burger, Joanna, et al (eds). 2000. Protecting the Commons: A Framework for
Resource Management in the Americas. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Leading scholars
take a fresh look at Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons." Cahill, Michael. 2001. The Environment and Social Policy. A human welfare
and social policy approach to environmental issues. Caldwell, Lynton K. 1996. International Environmental Policy. Durham,
NC: Duke University Press. A tour de-force overview by one of the giants in
the field. Chertow, Marian R. and Daniel C. Esty (eds). 1997. Thinking Ecologically:
the next generation of environmental policy. New Haven: Yale University
Press. An excellent collection of articles on policy formation. Chess, C. and K. Purcell. 1999. "Public participation and the environment:
Do we know what works?" Environmental Science & Technology 33(16):
2685-2692. Clark, Tim W. 2002. The Policy Process: A Practical guide for Natural Resources
Professionals. Yale University Press. An introduction to natural resource
policy. Constanza, R. and S. E. Jorgensen (eds). 2002. Understanding and Solving
Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem
Science. Elsevier. An anthology of articles about new approaches to environmental
management. Crosby, N. 1999. "Using the citizens jury process for environmental decision
making." In Better Environmental Decisions, K. Sexton, et al. (eds.).
Covelo, CA: Island Press. Dalal-Clayton, Barry. 1996. Getting to Grips with Green Plans: National-Level
Experience in Industrial Countries. Covelo, CA: Island Press and London:
Earthscan. Dodds, Felix, ed. 1997. The Way Forward: Beyond Agenda 21. Covelo, CA:
Island Press. A follow-up to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. What have we accomplished? Doyle, Tom and Doug McEachern. 2001. Environment and Politics 2nd
ed. New York: Routledge. A European view of green politics. Ewert, A.W. 1996. Natural Resource Management: the human dimension.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, Natural resource management is shifting away from
managing based only on biophysical considerations about resources and towards
"people management" where preferences, motivations and attitudes of
citizens are taken into account. Finney, B. P., et al. 2002. "Fisheries productivity in the northeastern
Pacific Ocean over the past 2,200 years." Nature 416: 729-733. Paleoecological
studies show that ocean fish populations fluctuate widely over periods of centuries,
apparently due to climate change. Fowler, Alan. 1997. Striking a Balance: A Guide to Enhancing the Effectiveness
of Non-Governmental Organizations in International Development. Covelo,
CA: Island Press and London: Earthscan. French, H. 1999. "Challenging the WTO." Worldwatch Magazine 12(6): 22-27.
A call for reform of the WTO. Gorden, Morton and Marsha Gordon. 1972. Environmental Management: Science
and Politics. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. A classic but still useful introduction
to environmental policy. Haila, Y. 2002. "Scaling environmental issues: problems and paradoxes."
Landscape and Urban Planning 61(2-4): 57-58. Scales of all types are
important in environmental planning. International Union for the Conservation of Nature. 2000. Landscape Conservation
Law: Present Trends and Perspectives in International and Comparative Law. Johnson, Bart and Kristina Hill. 2001. Ecology and Design: Frameworks for
Learning. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Addresses the need to incorporate ecological
principles in planning, management, and policy. Lester, James P., et al. 2000. Environmental Injustice in the U.S.: Myths
and Realities. Perseus Books. Discusses the social, economic, and political
dynamics of environmental decision-making, and the impacts of those decisions
on minority communities. Liu, J., et al. 2002. "A new class of regulatory genes underlying the
cause of pear-shaped fruit." Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.162485999. A single gene change causes shape
change in fruit. Lovei. M. 1998. Phasing Out Lead from Gasoline: Worldwide Experience and
Policy Implications. World Bank Technical Paper 397. Washington, DC. Banning
leaded gasoline is one of the most effective environmental regulations ever
passed. Margolis, R. M. & D.M. Kammen.1999. "Underinvestment: The Energy Technology
and R&D Policy Challenge." Science 285: 690-692 (1999). We need
funding to study the science of sustainability. Meadowcroft, J. 2002. "Politics and scale: some implications for environmental
governance." Landscape and Urban Planning 61(2-4):169-179. Scales
of all sorts are important in planning. Meltz, Robert, et al. 1999. The Takings Issue: Constitutional Limits on
Land Use Control and Environmental Regulation. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Discusses one of the most controversial issues in land-use planning. Murdock, B.S. and K. Sexton. 1999. "Community-based environmental partnerships."
In Better Environmental Decisions, K. Sexton, et al.(eds.). Covelo, CA:
Island Press. Noss, Reed F. et al, 1997. The Science of Conservation Planning. Covelo,
CA: Island Press. A classic in planning for conservation. O'Brien Mary. 2000. Making Better Environmental Decisions: An Alternative
to Risk Assessment. MIT Press. Argues for a major shift in policy making
to ask how we can minimize impacts rather than asking how much hazardous activity
is safe. Palmer, Joy A. 2002. Fifty Key thinkers on the Environment. Routledge
Press. An history of environmental thought over the ages. Porter, Gareth, et al. 2000. Global Environmental Politics. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press. A valuable introduction to environmental politics and policy. Roberts, Jane. 2002. Environmental Policy: Theory and Practice. Routledge
Press. An introduction to policy-making at the institutional, national and international
levels. Roy, Arundhati. 2001. Power Politics. South End Press. A prize-winning
novelist and Indian activist discusses global politics and environmental justice. Sarewitz, Daniel, et al. 2000. Prediction: Science, Decision Making, and
the Future of Nature. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A fascinating combination
of science, politics, and social factors in decision making. Schnaiberg, Allan and Kenneth Gould. 1994. Environment and Society: The
Enduring Conflict. New York: St. Martin's Press. A confrontational view
of environmental policy and problems. Schneider, Stephen, et al. (eds) 2002. Climate Change Policy: A Survey.
Island Press. A group of distinguished scientists analyze climate science and
policy. Sexton, Ken, et al. 1999. Better Environmental Decisions. Covelo, CA:
Island Press. An excellent collection of articles on policy options for government,
business, and communities. Shine, Clare and Cyrille de Klemm. 1999. Wetlands, Water, and the Law: Using
Law to Advance Wetland Conservation and Wise Use. Geneva: The International
Union for the Conservation of Nature. Smith, Zachary A. 1995. The Environmental Policy Paradox 2nd
ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. A brief overview of environmental
policy and management. Susskind, Lawrence, et al. 2001. Better Environmental Policy Studies.
Covelo, CA: Island Press. A study of five important policy cases to understand
what works and what doesn't. Thompson Jr., B. H. 2000. "Tragically difficult: the obstacles to governing
the commons." Environmental Law Spring 30(2): 241-245. Discusses
why stakeholders have difficulty coming to agreement in "commons"
situations and suggests that most stakeholders have difficulty accepting current
losses to avoid future risks. van Daalen, C. E., et al. 2002. "The roles of computer models in the environmental
policy life cycle." Environmental Science and Policy 5 (3): 221-231.
Computer models may give unwarranted certainty to policy debates. Vig, Norman J. and Michael E. Kraft (eds). 1997. Environmental Policy in
the 1990s: Reform or Reaction? 3rd ed. Washington, DC: Congressional
Quarterly Press. An excellent introduction to policy. Wilkinson, David. 2002. Environment and Law. Routledge Press. An introduction
to the role of law in international and national environmental protection. Wondolleck, Julia M. and Steven L. Yaffee. 2000. Making Collaboration Work:
Lessons from Innovation in Natural Resource Management. Covelo, CA: Island
Press. Turning away from confrontation, some conservationists are trying to
make collaboration work. Zaneski, Cyril T. 2001. "Anatomy of a Deal." Audubon 103(4):
48-53. A description of the complex negotiations leading to restoration of the
Everglades. |