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285(6): 90-95. The homogeneous-charge compression-ignition engine (essentially
a sophisticated diesel) may offer the best option for meeting exhaust emission
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Traces how mercury moves from industrial areas into the arctic. Boubel, Richard W., et al. 1994. Fundamentals of Air Pollution erd ed.
Academic Press. A textbook on air pollution: elements, sources, effects, measurement,
monitoring, and meteorology. Bower, J. 2000. "The Dark Side of Light." Audubon 102(2): 92-97. Light
pollution is a threat to wildlife and may affect human health as well. Brimblecombe, P. 1987. The Big Smoke: A History of Air Pollution in London
since Medieval Times. London: Methuen Pub. Air pollution isn't a new urban
problem. Castro, T. S., et al. 2001. "The influence of aerosols on photochemical
smog in Mexico City." Atmospheric Environment 35 (10): 1765-1772.
A study of air pollution in the world's biggest city. Also see article in this
issue on the regional air quality impact of Mexico City. Charlson, R. J. 1994. "Sulfate Aerosol and Climatic Change." Scientific
American 270(2): 48-55. Sulfur particles scatter light and cool the atmosphere.
Reducing air pollution could exacerbate global warming. Cooper, C. David. 1994. Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach. Waveland
Press. An overview of air pollution control engineering intended for professionals. Dawn Pier, M. B.A. Zeeb & K.J. Reimer. 2002. "Patterns of contamination
among vascular plants exposed to local sources of polychlorinated biphenyls
in the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic." The Science of the Total Environment
297 (1-3): 215-227. Persistent toxins are carried by long-distance transport
to remote areas. Earth Island. 1997. "The World's Least-Polluting Cars." Earth
Island Journal 12(2): 27. Britain's Ethical Consumer magazine rates
autos for energy efficiency. Elsom, Derek. 1996. Smog Alert: Managing Urban Air Quality. Covelo,
CA: Island Press. An overview of the problem of urban smog. Environmental Protection Agency. 1996. "National Ambient Air Quality Standards
for Ozone and Particulate Matter." Federal Register 61(114): 29719-29725.
Official standards for ambient ozone levels. Esterbrook, Greg. 1994. "Forget PCB's, Radon, Alar: The World's Greatest
Environmental Dangers Are Dung Smoke and Dirty Water." The New York
Times Magazine September 11, 1994, pp. 60-63. Still valid after all these
years. Florig, H.K. 1997. "China's Air Pollution Risks." Environmental
Science and Technology 31(6): 276-279. A good summary of air quality in
China. Fupgren, Arthur R. 1996. "Night Blindness." The Amicus Journal
17(4): 22-24. Light pollution interferes with astronomy and changes our experience
of nature. Gibbs, W. Wayt. 1995. "The Treaty that Worked-Almost." Scientific
American 273(3): 18-19. Analysis of the ozone convention. Godish, Thad. 1995. Sick Buildings: Definition, Diagnosis, and Mitigation.
Island Press. A good discussion of indoor air problems. Hedin, Lars O and Gene E. Likens. 1996. "Atmospheric Dust and Acid Rain."
Scientific American 275(6): 88-92. Alkaline dust is neutralizing atmospheric
acids and reducing acidic precipitation. Jin, Xu, et al. 2002. "Measurement of aerosol chemical, physical and radiative
properties in the Yangtze delta region of China." Atmospheric Environment
36(2): 161-173. Air pollution is shown to have a significant impact on visibility,
climate, crop production, and human health near Shanghai. Kaiho, K., et al. 2001. "End-Permian catastrophe by a bolide impact: evidence
of a gigantic release of sulfur from the mantle." Geology 29: 815-818
(2001). Suggests that an asteroid impact killed 95 percent of all species at
the end of the Permian. Keith, Lawrence H. and Mary M. Walker. 1995. Handbook of Air Toxics: Sampling,
Analysis, and Properties. Lewis Publishers. Detailed information on toxics
and the laws that regulate them. Krupa, Sagar V.1997. Air Pollution, People, and Plants: An Introduction.
St. Paul, MN: The American Phytopathological Society. Comprehensive coverage
of the causes and effects of air pollution. Kuik, O. J., et al. 2000. "The economic benefits to agriculture of a reduction
of low-level ozone pollution in the Netherlands." European Review of
Agricultural Economics. Lee, Shun Cheng, et al. 2002. "Investigation of indoor air quality at
residential homes in Hong Kong case study." Atmospheric Environment
36(2): 225-237. Smoking, cooking, and other activities have negative impacts
on indoor air. Leong, S. T., et al. 2002. "Influence of benzene emission from motorcycles
on Bangkok air quality." Atmospheric Environment 36(4): 651-661.
Motorcycles and other two-stroke engines contribute a large amount of smog-producing
chemicals to urban air in developing country cities. Longstreth, J. D., et al. 1995. "Effects of Increased Solar Ultraviolet
Radiation on Human Health." Ambio 24(3): 153-165. Risks of eye diseases,
cancer, and immune dysfunction from increased UV exposure are calculated. Lovei. M. 1998. Phasing Out Lead from Gasoline:Worldwide Experience and
Policy Implications. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Technical Paper 397. Banning
leaded gasoline is one of the most effective environmental regulations ever
passed. Lu, J. Y., et al. "Magnification of atmospheric mercury deposition to
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Geophysical Research Letters 28: 3219-3222 (2001). Chlorine and bromine
compounds in Arctic air deplete atmospheric ozone and also trigger mercury deposition. May, Jeffrey C. 2001. My House Is Killing Me! : The Home Guide for Families
With Allergies and Asthma. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. What to do about indoor
air pollution. Mayerhoff, P., et al. 2002. "Long-term, consistent scenarios of emissions,
deposition, and climate change in Europe." Environmental Science and
Policy 5 (4): 273-305. An overview of air pollution in Europe. Nagashima, T., et al. 2002. "Future development of the ozone layer calculated
by a general circulation model with fully interactive chemistry." Geophysical
Research Letters 29, 31-34 (2002). Japanese researchers say that the Antarctic
ozone hole might disappear by 2040. Okuda, T., et al. 2002. "Source identification of Malaysian atmospheric
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons nearby forest fires using molecular and isotopic
compositions." Atmospheric Environment 36(4): 611-618. Chemical signals
can identify the source of smoke from forest fires. Parson, Edward A. and Owen Greene. 1995. "The Complex chemistry of International
Ozone Agreements." Environment 37(2): 16-20. A discussion of the
Montreal Protocol. Rabl, A and N. Eyre. 1999. "Damages and costs of air pollution: An analysis
of uncertainties." Environment International 25(1): 29-46. What
are the effects of air pollution? Rawn, Dorothea F.K., et al. 2001. "Historical contamination of Yukon Lake
sediments by PCBs and organochlorine pesticides: influence of local sources
and watershed characteristics." The Science of the Total Environment
280(1-3): 17-37. Analysis of sediment cores from eight lakes in the Yukon and
British Columbia point to long-range air transport as the source of DDT and
PCBs in water and fish. Retallack, Simon. 1997. "God Protect Us from Those Who 'Protect the Skies'."
The Ecologist 27(5): 188-191. The Montreal Protocol, initially hailed
as a landmark in environmental protection, emerged as an agreement "as
ridden with holes as the ozone layer it was designed to protect." Shinn, E. A. et al. "African dust and the demise of Caribbean coral reefs."
Geophysical Research Letters 27, 3029-3032 (2000). Global warming may
be damaging Caribbean coral reefs by causing the Sahara desert to expand. Smith, Gar. 1997. "Oil Spills in the Sky." Earth Island Journal
12(3): 34-35. Jetliners destroy the ozone shield and vent climate-changing contrails.
Smith, K. R. 2000. "National Burden of disease in India from Indoor
Air Pollution." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
97(24): 13286-13293. A rare study of the disease burden in a developing country. Social Learning Group. 2001. Learning to Manage Global Environmental Risks:
Volume 1, A Comparative History of Social Responses to Climate Change, Ozone
Depletion, and Acid Rain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A look at how ideas,
interests, and institutions affect environmental management. Spengler, John D. et al (eds). 2000. Indoor Air Quality Handbook. McGraw-Hill
Co. A professional handbook with lots of useful information. Thornton, Joe. 2000. Pandora's Poison: Chlorine, Health, and a new Environmental
Strategy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chlorine is used in a wide variety of
industrial products but its environmental and health drawbacks are serious. Warner, Cecil F., et al. 1997. Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control.
Addison-Wesley Co. An introduction to the field of air pollution for scientists
and engineers. Wenzel, Tom. 2001. "Reducing emissions from in-use vehicles: an evaluation
of the Phoenix inspection and maintenance program using test results and independent
emissions measurements." Environmental Science & Policy Vol.
4 (6) (2001) pp. 359 - 376. Remote sensing suggests less benefit from this program
than official data. Wilson, Richard and John Spengler. 1996. Particles in Our Air: Concentrations
and Health Effects. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A useful overview of the health
effects of aerosols. |