Stress, coping, adjustment, and health |  |
Learning ObjectivesUpon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Define the features of the field of health psychology. |
Discuss the concept of a model and how it might help theorists and researchers understand the relationships between personality and health. |
Identify and discuss the five models of the personality-health link presented by Larsen and Buss. |
Define the key components of stress. |
Identify and discuss the key features of stressors. |
Discuss the key features of the stress response. |
Identify and discuss each of the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome. |
Discuss the relationships between major life events, stress, and illness. |
Discuss the relationships between daily hassles, stress, and health. |
Define and differentiate primary appraisal and secondary appraisal. |
Discuss the role of positive emotions in coping with stress. |
Discuss and distinguish attributional style, optimism, dispositional optimism, self-efficacy, and optimistic bias as coping strategies, including a review of how each concept is related to health. |
Briefly review work on the relationships between optimism and physical well-being, including a discussion of how optimism promotes health. |
Discuss the health risks of chronic emotional inhibition. |
Discuss the health benefits of self-disclosure and the revelation of secrets. |
Discuss the findings of research on the relationships between Type A behavior pattern and cardiovascular disease. |
Discuss hostility as the lethal component of the Type A behavior pattern. |
Review the application of each of the five models of the personality-health link to Type A behavior pattern and cardiovascular disease. |