Hisrich (SIE)
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Entrepreneurship (SIE), 6/e

Robert D. Hisrich, Case Western Reserve University
Michael P. Peters, Boston College
Dean A. Shepherd, University of Colorado at Boulder

ISBN: 0070620172
Copyright year: 2005

About the Authors

Robert D. Hisrich

Robert D. Hisrich is the A. Malachi Mixon III Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management, where he has received recognition for his research and is Chair of the Entrepreneurship and Strategy Divisions. He holds an MBA and a doctorate from the University of Cincinnati.

Professor Hisrich's research pursuits are focused on entrepreneurship and venture creation: entrepreneurial ethics, intrapreneurship, women and minority entrepreneurs, venture financing, and global venture creation. He teaches courses and seminars in these areas, as well as in marketing management and product planning and development. His interest in global management and entrepreneurship resulted in two Fulbright Fellowships in Budapest, Hungary, honorary degrees from universities in Russia and Hungary and being a visiting faculty member in universities in Austria, Australia, Ireland and Slovenia. Prof. Hisrich serves on the editorial boards of several prominent journals in entrepreneurial scholarship and is author or co-author of over 200 research articles appearing in such journals as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Small Business Finance, Small Business Economics, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Prof. Hisrich has author or co-authored 13 books including Marketing: A Practical Management Approach, and the recently published How to Fix and Prevent the 13 Biggest Problems that Derail Business.

Michael P. Peters

Michael P. Peters - Professor Emeritus, Marketing Department, Carroll School of Management, Boston College. Professor Peters has his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and his M.B.A. and B.S. from Northeastern University. Recently retired from full time teaching he continues to write, lecture, serve on numerous boards, and assist in the management of a family business. Besides his passion for assisting entrepreneurs in new ventures he has consulted and conducted seminars and workshops worldwide related to entrepreneurship, international and domestic decision making for new product development, market planning, and market strategy. He has published over thirty articles in such journals as the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of International Business Studies, Columbia Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Venturing, and the Sloan Management Review. He has co-authored three texts, Marketing A New Product: Its Planning, Development and Control, Marketing Decisions for New and Mature Products and Entrepreneurship now in its sixth edition. He was Department Chair and Director of the Small Business Institute at Boston College for more than 16 years. He loves photography, tennis, golf, and kayaking on Cape Cod Bay.

Dean A. Shepherd

Dean Shepherd is Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado. Dean received his doctorate and MBA from Bond University (Australia) and a Bachelor of Applied Science from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. His research interests include the decision making of entrepreneurs, new venture strategy, venture capital, growth, and optimization. He has published his research in Academy of Management Review; Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice; European Journal of Operational Research; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Management; Journal of Management Studies; Management Science; the Strategic Management Journal, and others. Dean has also published two books - - New Venture Strategy: Timing, Environmental Uncertainty and Performance with Mark Shanley and Attracting Equity Investors: Positioning, Preparing and Presenting the Business Plan with Evan Douglas- - and along with Jerry Katz is co-editor of Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth. Dean, his wife Suzie, and two children Jack and [soon to be born] love visiting their native land of Australia. Although he loves surfing, Dean no longer attempts to catch waves like those displayed on the cover of the book.
Entrepreneurship, 6e

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