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Discussion Questions
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  1. State the global performance measurements and operational performance measurements and briefly define each of them. How do these differ from traditional accounting measurements?
  2. Discuss process batches and transfer batches. How might you determine what the sizes should be?
  3. Compare and contrast JIT, MRP, and synchronized manufacturing, stating their main features, such as where each is or might be used, amounts of raw materials and work-in-process inventories, production lead times and cycle times, and methods for control.
  4. Compare the importance and relevance of quality control in JIT, MRP, and synchronous manufacturing.
  5. Discuss what is meant by forward loading and backward loading.
  6. Define and explain the cause or causes of a moving bottleneck.
  7. Explain how a nonbottleneck can become a bottleneck.
  8. What are the functions of inventory in MRP, JIT, and synchronous manufacturing scheduling?
  9. Define process batch and transfer batch and their meaning in each of these applications: MRP, JIT, and bottleneck or constrained resource logic.
  10. Discuss how a production system is scheduled using MRP logic, JIT logic, and synchronous manufacturing logic.
  11. Discuss the concept of "drum–buffer–rope."
  12. From the standpoint of the scheduling process, how are resource limitations treated in an MRP application? How are they treated in a synchronous manufacturing application?
  13. What are operations people's primary complaints against the accounting procedures used in most firms? Explain how such procedures can cause poor decisions for the total company.
  14. Most manufacturing firms try to balance capacity for their production sequences. Some believe that this is an invalid strategy. Explain why balancing capacity does not work.
  15. Discuss why transfer batches and process batches many times may not and should not be equal.

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