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Discussion Questions
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  1. What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center?
  2. What is the objective of assembly-line balancing? How would you deal with the situation where one worker, although trying hard, is 20 percent slower than the other 10 people on a line?
  3. How do you determine the idle time percentage from a given assembly-line balance?
  4. What is the essential requirement for mixed-model lines to be practical?
  5. Why might it be difficult to develop a manufacturing cell?
  6. In what respects is facility layout a marketing problem in services? Give an example of a service system layout designed to maximize the amount of time the customer is in the system.
  7. Consider a department store. Which departments probably should not be located near each other? Would any departments benefit from close proximity?
  8. How would a flowchart help in planning the servicescape layout? What sorts of features would act as focal points or otherwise draw customers along certain paths through the service? In a supermarket, what departments should be located first along the customers' path? Which should be located last?

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