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Section 7.2
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What are climate zones?
A)What are climate zones?
B)Climate zones are areas or regions that share similar water masses, such as lakes and oceans.
C)Climate zones are areas or regions that are similar in surface area.
D)Climate zones are areas or regions where the weather conditions are constantly changing throughout the whole year.
What are the three major climate zones on Earth?
A)north polar zone, south polar zone, and tropical zone
B)north polar zone, south polar zone, and temperate zone
C)north polar zone, south polar zone, and equatorial zone
D)tropical zone, polar zones, and temperate zone
What type of climate does the temperate zone have?
A)The temperature is warm and varies little throughout the year.
B)The temperature is constantly cold and there is ice coverage throughout the year.
C)The temperature varies during the year and there are seasons of warm and cold.
D)The temperature is constantly hot and there are droughts throughout the year.
What does a climatograph show?
A)A climatograph shows a weather forecast for an upcoming season for a region, based on observations at a weather station.
B)A climatograph shows data on weather conditions for a region over a long period of time.
C)A climatograph shows the change in a region’s weather conditions over a 24-hour period.
D)A climatograph shows how a region’s weather conditions change depending on the amount of solar energy the area receives.
What are the factors involved in the Koppen climate classification system?
A)average monthly temperature and average monthly precipitation
B)Average monthly temperature, average annual temperature, and average monthly precipitation
C)Average monthly temperature, average monthly precipitation, and average annual precipitation
D)Average monthly temperature, average annual temperature, average monthly precipitation, and average annual precipitation
What is a biome?
A)A biome is a division of Earth’s surface that has developed over a long period of time and is separated from other zones by an ocean, desert, or mountain range.
B)A biome is a subdivision of an ecozone that has landforms such as plains, lakes, mountains, and rivers.
C)A biome is a division that has large regions with similar plants and animals and similar temperature and rainfall.
D)A biome is a graph of data showing a region’s temperature and rainfall change over a specific period of time.

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