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Section 7.3
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Which statement best describes global warming?
A)Global warming has increased the average temperature for all the climate zones over the past 200 years.
B)Global warming is an increase in the planet’s average temperature for its atmosphere and oceans.
C)Global warming is the process by which land slowly dries out and becomes unsuitable for vegetation to survive.
D)Global warming is caused by the steady rise of ocean acidity over the past 200 years.
What is the major cause of the rise in ocean acidity over the past 200 years?
A)Increased temperature from global warming caused thermal expansion of seawater, which caused the pH level to lower and become more acidic.
B)The melting of glaciers and icecaps created a rise in oceanic levels and caused the pH of the water to lower, which increased the water’s acidity.
C)Increased solar radiation absorbed by oceans caused the average ocean temperature to increase and its pH to lower and become more acidic.
D)Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels added carbonic acids to the oceans and caused the acidity to rise.
What is the direct cause of desertification?
A)a rise in sea level
B)a decline in precipitation
C)an increase in carbon dioxide from fossil fuels being burned
Which of the following statements about deforestation is true?
A)Human activities, such as logging and slash-and-burn clearing, are entirely responsible for deforestation.
B)Global warming is the sole cause of deforestation.
C)Deforestation refers only to the destruction of forests by natural phenomena and does not include regions destroyed by human activity.
D)Deforestation is the removal of trees and forests as a result of natural phenomena and human activities.
What happens to the water in oceans as they absorb more carbon dioxide?
A)The water becomes more acidic.
B)The water becomes more basic.
C)The water temperature becomes warmer.
D)The water temperature becomes cooler.
What role do freshwater ecosystems play in regulating climate?
A)These ecosystems provide water for regions that have low precipitation or are experiencing desertification.
B)These ecosystems store and filter water. They contain plants that remove carbon dioxide from the air.
C)These ecosystems provide nutrients for areas that have been damaged by deforestation.
D)These ecosystems cool down areas that have experienced extreme heat.

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