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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Explain the physical changes that take place during middle and late childhood, including motor development

Discuss the prevalent health issues during this time period—exercise, obesity, sports, accidents and injuries, and childhood cancer

Discuss the characteristics of learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Consider the educational issues surrounding children with disabilities

Understand and examine Piaget’s description of concrete operational thought

Describe how information processing examines cognitive development, including changes in memory, critical thinking, and metacognition

Discuss what intelligence is and how it is measured

Explain Sternberg’s and Gardner’s theories of intelligence

Examine the controversies surrounding intelligence, including cultural biases and the misuse of intelligence tests

Discuss mental retardation and its two causes

Explain what giftedness is and the characteristics of a gifted child

Understand what creativity is and ways to foster it in children

Describe the two approaches to reading and the effectiveness of each

Discuss the background of bilingualism in Canada and the social and cognitive skills of bilingual children

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